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The 5 human senses make sense until you start questioning and investigating what it actually is that you're sensing or perceiving. 


It makes so little sense, all senses melt away as soon as I initiate maximum zen power.

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You might think that direct experience = thought, feeling, perception.

And that's totally correct, in spiritual kindergarten.


Once you graduate, all senses collide and merge into a ball of pure light. Leaving you with precisely nothing.

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Yet again, I prove to myself that I am the most enlightened master in the universe.


I was reading this epic, heart - breaking story about a disciple murdering his master, in the most glorious of ways (you should definitely check that one out) and I was completely consumed by it. Fully immersed. I felt the pain, the devastation, the triumph... as if it was mine. A real tearjerker that story, to say the least. 


And then I walked out, started watering the garden and it was like nothing ever happened. I felt amazing, I felt free.

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I'm not into people at all, actually. I avoid them as much as can. I almost treat them like some sort of a virus, most of the times.

Very carefully, from far away, with proper protection and heavy equipment.


Fucking imbeciles. I hate that we all need each other and it's all perfectly connected.

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9 out of 10 times, if you were to meet me in real life, I'm the sweetest, most gentlest guy ever. And that shit is real.

But what's also real, is me silently hating all of you fuckers, as soon as I get a second away from your bullshit.


Not always, just sometimes. You know... recreationally. It's healthy, you should try it out.



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And don't worry. I don't fantasize about torturing or killing you all. I'm not that kind of fucked up.

What I fantasize about, is getting the fuck away from all of you and never seeing your stupid faces again.


I fantasize hard about never seeing any people, ever again. And that's why this whole spiritual kung fu hustle is just perfect for me.


No people no problem.

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If you eliminate people from the equation, whenever you think someone is just being an absolute asshole, you don't have to deal with their twisted personality or what have you, instead, you can simply focus on the ball of raw emotional nastiness arising in your being when said asshole appears. 


From there, you just swing your wand a few times and yell "expelliarmus". That should do the trick. Depending on the size of the ball and the asshole.

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Don't even dare try to pull out the whole mirror teaching on me. I can use is far better than you, trust me.


I love mirroring bullshit right back into your faces. It's so satisfying. And you are actually stupid enough to think your bullshit is mine. 

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