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Even simpler

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All enlightened masters have big penises, that's common knowledge. But what you might not know is, that they masturbate at least 3 times every day, to keep the semen from rushing up into their pre - frontal cortex, causing severe cognitive dissonance.

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Synchronicity is not even worth mentioning anymore. It really is how everything is, and not even.

For addition, I'm pretty sure I also caught a shooting star in peripherals, just earlier when I stepped outside. Don't worry, did not wish for anything. But if I could, it would definitely be money, coke and bitches. 


Too far? Hahah! Who's to say?


Good night world.

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I swear I'm not even pissed about my girlfriend hanging out on the beach, doing god knows what, while I'm working my ass off. I don't even care if she's wearing a bra or not anymore.


Thank God trust is an illusion.

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I totally did it. I was enlightened AF at work. Head up high, shoulders relaxed, breathing from the stomach and everything.


In fact, I was so incredibly enlightened, they had no choice but to send me home early. Epic win.

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