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Even simpler

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I cannot believe I'm dating a girl who watches "sex and the city" for fun. That shit is seriously sick and twisted. Makes me wanna puke.

Thank God for headphones and death metal. Everyone sane loves death metal, obviously.

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This is where speaking 6 languages comes in handy.


"Doubt" in Slovenian, which is not my native tongue, is called "Dvom". Dvo - Um. Which literally translates to Double Minded.

Cool, huh? Quite self expandatory that one.

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No, I don't want to change my perspective. Work is about suffering, let it be so. 


Jk. It's actually not that bad at all. Had much, much shittier jobs before. 


Right now, this is the worst I must and the best I can do.

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Fucking feminist my daddy didn't love me crapload of bullshit.


I'm all for the feminine taking its power back, because it should, but if it's at the stage of flashing their nipples, yelling nonsense and protesting on the square... yeah, I don't want to be anywhere close to that shit. Let alone stand behind it.

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Of course I thought about printing and selling this journal. It's too good not to be done.

Or you know, I might also realize it's the last thing anyone should ever read and destroy all evidence.  Who knows. Anything can happen.

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It's easy to be enlightenment master level 9000 from the comfort of my couch, knowing that everything is going my way.

Let's see how enlightened I'll be when shit goes sideways. When the universe throws another cosmic curveball.

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