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Even simpler

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It's all good. We all do it. We all like a little bit of drama. Little bit of good old christhood style suffering. It all has its place and serves its purpose, if you say it does.

And by "we" or "you" I obviously mean "I". I like to suffer for the higher good. I like to bleed for truth. For love. For dreams. For nothing, essentially. It's kinda fucked up actually, if you think about it.


I am the martyr. I am the sacrifice.


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And don't worry, my new EP titled "Naked and Transparent"  is not screamy - screamy, gory - gory extreme metal.

This time around I made sure to pack the message, the venom, in such a way that it's accessible and ear - friendly, even to the gentlest of you spiritual babies.


Might make you cry, might make you cum, dance or count in your head.

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One would need 76 different kinds of therapists and 18 spiritual gurus to aid and assist them, and not even then would they come anywhere close to doing this amount of deep, profound, meaningful, heartfelt work, healing and empowerment, in such a ridiculously short span of time. I'm too fast boy! It's too fun! That's why calling it "work" feels so off and icky. 


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