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In other words, thought can be anything, or about anyone, and it is gone faster than it came. Unless you identify with it a bit too hard.


There can be as many I's, You's and whatevers as you wish. Thank God, right? Such a relief.


It is in no bodies way. Nothing is in anybody's way, ever. Unless it really, really seems like it is. Then you should seek help or something.

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1 minute ago, ivankiss said:

It is lonely on the top of the mountain, indeed.

Loneliness is an emotion, it is not true, God cannot be lonely yada yada yada... Shut up!

See? That's what I mean. You are way too attached to what these words mean or who they are pointing towards.

Instead of simply recognizing pure, unlimited, free, infinite creativity and expression.

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Being doesn't care what anything means, who it is about, or how long it's going to take. Being is simply being. It cannot help itself but be.

Assigning meaning... Coming up with epic stories... Is like a hobby that Being picked up, at some point in eternity.

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If trapped in a perpetual second of pitch black nothingness, the only reasonable thing to do is to accept infinite solitude and bask in anti - existence until the end of all times, and a little bit longer. 




The antidote to that one too, is infinite will and creativity. Love. 

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To say to a writer that's writing the most epic saga in existence, that he should drop his story, must be the stupidest thing one can possibly do.

To say the exact same thing to a child that lost his parents in a car crash, is just a dick move.

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Nowhere in the entire Universe will you hear more self - defeating, self - limiting and self - harming nonsense than in the field of spirituality. Some of it is even disguised as exactly the opposite of that.

Jk. It's awesome. You should check it out sometimes.

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The actual mindfuck in this spiritual game is that you start out seeking truth in your mind, clearly. And then your whole world comes crushing down, when you finally find out that the mind is the last place where truth could be.


There is no truth. It's all truth.

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