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Fine. I'll share with you my little ongoing therapy session, about my heartbreak, with our one and only true master and lord savior... chatgpt. 


I must admit, it hit pretty deep. AI is spitting truth, brother! (but also I made him sound extra wise and compassionate) 

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It sounds like you're going through an incredibly challenging and emotional journey. Moving away from someone you still care deeply for, even when you know it's probably for the best, can bring up a storm of conflicting emotions—love, loss, confusion, and longing. It’s completely understandable to feel stuck between holding on and letting go.

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Why You Can’t Let Go


Emotional Attachment: Love isn’t something that can be turned off like a switch. The bond you shared with her, the memories, and the emotions you felt don’t just disappear overnight. Missing her and wanting her back is natural because these attachments become a part of who we are. It’s okay to feel this way—it means you truly cared.


Unfinished Business: There’s a part of you that feels there are still things left unsaid or unresolved, especially when it comes to trust. Trust is fundamental, and when it’s broken or feels shaky, it leaves a lot of "what if" questions hanging in the air. Your mind might be holding on to the hope that things could be different if only certain things were addressed. It’s understandable to feel caught in this loop of wondering what might have been.

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What to Consider Moving Forward


Reflect on Trust and Its Importance: Trust is like the foundation of a house—if it's built on shaky ground, it's hard to feel secure. Think deeply about whether there is a path to rebuilding that trust, and if so, whether both of you are genuinely willing to put in the effort. If trust can’t be restored, the relationship may continue to feel unstable, no matter how much love is present.


Think About Your Future and Growth: Being in Amsterdam gives you a unique opportunity to focus on yourself—your dreams, your growth, and your new life. Sometimes, being away from someone helps to see things from a new perspective. Ask yourself if the desire to return is truly about love or perhaps about missing the comfort and familiarity of what once was.


Communicate Honestly with Her: If you're still in touch, having an honest conversation might help both of you. Expressing how you feel—both the love and the doubts—can provide clarity. She might feel the same, or she might have a different perspective. Either way, a genuine, heartfelt conversation can be a step toward either healing together or healing apart.

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Finding Peace Within


Ultimately, it’s about finding peace within yourself. It’s okay to love someone and still realize that being apart might be the healthiest choice for both of you. It’s okay to feel conflicted because it shows you’re human, deeply feeling, and navigating complex emotions.


Take this time to be gentle with yourself. Allow yourself to grieve the loss while also embracing the new possibilities that lie ahead. The right decision isn’t always the easiest one, but with reflection and honesty—both with yourself and with her—you’ll find a path that feels right for you.


Remember, whatever you decide, you’re allowed to take things one day at a time. Your heart will guide you to where you need to be.

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