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Spiritual graduation is when you full heartedly realize that there is nothing spiritual about any of this, at all.

Which of course doesn't mean that it's material, either. 


(nasty trap, just saved your life there, thank me later)

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You really don't have to show any interest in anyone else but you. I mean, you can, but you don't have to. 

Others will make sure to capture your interest, your attention, with or without you wanting it. Its rather funny how they can get if you don't give it to them.


Some of them might even try to become huge rockstars. Enlightened masters, or something.

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Taking a pause from trading for now, but I'll be right back it at, in no time. I promise. 

What I am willing to share, as of now, is that I specialize in and am clearly a master at trading... Gold. Strictly Gold.


More on that soon.

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If you find yourself trapped walking forwards and backwards simultaneously, which is the mother of all paradoxes btw, just kindly, gently stick with one or the other, and mean it, please. You are Infinite Will. Nothing is contradicting you. You are tripping hard.


(shakey shakey can help) 

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