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2 hours of meditation everyday

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There’s nothing at all wrong with thought attachment, but that is the same thought narrative about a sep self, and will also feel discordant. 

Meditation is allowing the narrative to come to rest, fizzle out. The narrative is sneaky in that it can include meditation on behalf of a sep self, ‘the doer’ / meditator. 


One way to frame or consider, if you went to a doctor’s and they asked “how do you feel”, would you say “that meditation is more potent after some time of not doing it”?


Probably not, as that is sharing a thought and isn’t actually how you feel. 


Meditation is thought to be ‘more potent’ as more discord of self referential thoughts is experienced. 


Meditation is absolutely without levels (which is just a thought), such as more or less potent. The worthwhileness of seeing this is recognizing discord is of thoughts, rather than framing the opposite - about meditation - that meditation is more or less effective or potent. 


Maybe it’s ‘seen’ how this & emotional guidance are one & the same…?

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