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Question about awareness & thoughts

Isagi Yoichi

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2 hours ago, Omar Osama said:

is there a difference between the emotions triggered by thoughts and emotions coming from awareness thats aware of thoughts? 

No, and maybe more so, emotions aren’t per se things. So emotions aren’t coming from awareness, as awareness isn’t a thing either. 


2 hours ago, Omar Osama said:


or the equanimity thats comes from being aware can positive thoughts lead to the same equanimity 

No, and again maybe more so, that there is positive & negative is only in accordance with thought(s). 

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15 minutes ago, Phil said:

No, and maybe more so, emotions aren’t per se things. So emotions aren’t coming from awareness, as awareness isn’t a thing either. 



wdym by thing when you talk about emotions isn't it a thing too?



is awareness appearing as thoughts? so the question doesn't make sense


Edited by Omar Osama



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5 minutes ago, Omar Osama said:

wdym by thing when you talk about emotions isn't it a thing too?

Relationship(s) between things, or, causation, such as ‘triggered by’, ‘coming from’, ‘comes from’ or ‘lead to’. 


Also in so far as it could seem like there are separate things, like a chair and table, emotions aren’t ’objects of consciousness’, or ‘in’ perception, or seen or heard, like in lay terms “things” might seem to be / there might seem to be things. In such an experience infinite consciousness assumes the form of said ‘thing’. 


In short, there is no thing, action, thought, behavior, doing, book, video, course, sermon of phrasing which leads to truth. It’s like wearing glasses to see better, so you can find your glasses, while overlooking the glasses aren’t missing. Looking, listening to what someone’s saying, etc is the overlooking. 


5 minutes ago, Omar Osama said:

is awareness appearing as thoughts? so the question doesn't make sense

Believe in & trust direct experience. 

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i asked chatgpt here is what it said : 



Yes, there can be a distinction between emotions triggered by thoughts and emotions that arise from awareness that is aware of thoughts. Let's explore each concept:

1. **Emotions Triggered by Thoughts:**
   - In this scenario, emotions are a direct result of the content of one's thoughts. For example, if you dwell on negative thoughts or perceive a situation in a certain way, it can evoke emotions such as sadness, anxiety, or anger.
   - Cognitive theories, such as Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (CBT), emphasize the role of thoughts in influencing emotions. According to CBT, changing negative thought patterns can lead to changes in emotional responses.

2. **Emotions Arising from Awareness of Thoughts:**
   - This perspective involves a level of mindfulness or awareness of one's thoughts without immediate identification with them. Instead of being completely immersed in the content of thoughts, there's a recognition of the thoughts as they arise.
   - In mindfulness practices, individuals are encouraged to observe thoughts non-judgmentally and with detachment. The idea is that by cultivating awareness, individuals may experience emotions with a greater sense of clarity and objectivity.

In essence, the difference lies in the relationship between thoughts and awareness:

- **Thought-Triggered Emotions:** Emotions are directly tied to the content and interpretation of thoughts. Changing thought patterns may lead to changes in emotional responses.

- **Awareness-Based Emotions:** Emotions are observed with a sense of mindfulness and detachment from the content of thoughts. There's an acknowledgment of thoughts without immediate and automatic emotional reactions.

Mindfulness practices, meditation, and contemplative traditions often aim to cultivate the ability to observe thoughts without becoming entangled in them, fostering a more balanced and equanimous relationship with emotions. Both perspectives highlight the intricate connection between thoughts and emotions and offer different approaches to understanding and managing them.



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