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this is an Instinctive warning, Just one ancestor's Instinctive Opinion.


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Self Extinction Induced By A Species Seeking Intellectual Freedom From life only evolves adapting as displaced since conceived to replace previous generation gaps lived so far.

Please prove this inaccurate. 7,000 years of human history saving humanity from understanding how evolving actually works proves me 100% accurate.


When does the beginning of the end, end? Now. Future only evolves like there never was a tomorrow to be had beyond intellectual pretenses sustaining reasonable doubt historically into current events.

When there are only two sides to a social decision, what was the flip side of original sin? Eternal conflict between intellectual minds and instinctive brain navigating time as displaced one of a kind ancestrally here among an ever changing population.

this is why I agree to disagree with every reality within this one species in this one atmosphere as one reproduction within the 8 billion inhabiting space now, evolving specifically here, each an ever changing form arrived since conceived.

How you like these apples?


Peace through understanding the common time shared ancestrally here now.

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