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How to build self-discipline?

Isagi Yoichi

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6 hours ago, Omar Osama said:

how to cultivate self-discipline in order to complete and finish your goals?

Attitude is always the most important factor and underlying aspect. It’s fundamental to everything else. All other aspects. 

6 hours ago, Omar Osama said:

I always quit before making any good results 

This is a self defeating attitude. It isn’t true. Even if all evidence says it’s true about a past, it isn’t true about you. It’s a belief about a self.

Because it’s discordant and deflating with respect to how you feel & attitude, let it go swiftly. Don’t entertain it at all. 

Express what arises to empty, but don’t wallow, complain, dwell or vent. 

If you aren’t feeling the inspiration, being honest about why unfetters the inspiration. 


Write what’s wanted (goals) on the dreamboard.

Write the steps that unfold to it. Google, use GPT & ask questions to those who’ve experienced it to fill in any blanks. 

Write what’s to be done on your calendar in the smallest steps. Experience it in sincerity, in the truth there’s no ‘doer’ present. 

Schedule cathartic experiences. 

Allow good feeling thoughts by envisioning what you want already being the case. There’s no right or wrong of this, whatever extent is perfect. 

Eat clean. Meditate & exercise every morning. 

Practice mindfulness & self-respect. Don’t settle for a discordant wandering mind & attitude.

Enjoy the journey by being present & enjoying the moment, learning and continually expanding what’s on the dreamboard (new goals unfold too). 


Notice there are always two ways to go… thinking… or enjoying the unfolding of what’s on your dreamboard & calendar. 

Don’t underestimate eating clean, daily meditation, and alignment of thoughts with feeling / attitude - therein you are consciously creating your reality. 

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4 hours ago, Omar Osama said:


how to do that?


I am talking about building skills its nothing to do with people how can I have the self-discipline to master something?

Contemplate hard about what you actually want to do in life, when you find something you're in love with you will do what it takes to do it.



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