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how to make a good decision ?

Isagi Yoichi

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This is a very general inquiry. Being more specific might allow for more specific suggestions.

Just some thoughts that come to mind…


Generally speaking… less is more, don’t reinvent the wheel, co-create. 


Less is more… 

I’d change the focus a little by taking out ‘good’, ‘know’ and ‘for me’.


No one ever really ‘knows’, and the inclination of needing or having to know first to be able to proceed can be a contingency or condition which get’s in the way or hampers the second most important aspect; proceeding. This also lends to the most important aspect; enjoying the journey, or, the unfolding. 


‘For me’ actually adds ‘on behalf of the idea of myself’. Might seem semantical but I suggest it’s fundamental and changes the entire approach and landscape interpretation wise. I’d switch that to ‘with respect to what it is that’s wanted’. 


I would also take out ‘good’ as in ‘good decision’. This might also seem semantical, but there really aren’t good & bad decisions. The implied judgment can add ‘weight’ & pressure on you in terms of making decisions, as if you could make good or bad, or, the right or the wrong decision(s). Also, taking good & bad and right & wrong out of the framing also takes what other people think or might think out of the mix. Be at peace in that they are free as well and can make decisions on their own behalf. 


So that might look like, how to go about decisions & weighing options with respect to what’s wanted, or, what I want. 




Now you’re starting from what is likely most important to you in the first place - what you want. I’d write that on a dreamboard so it is visually prominent, hard to miss or overlook, easy to be reminded of. Also, doing so is an affirming of creating. What’s written was not previously, and now it is. Now it exists, and it exists because you created it. This sets the stage if you will for the experience, which will manifest in exactly the same way. Whatever it is, it isn’t, and you’re creating, that it is. Also note, if there wasn’t a dreamboard - and now there is - you created that now there is. (Conscious creating / being conscious of that you are, creating.) 


Clarity of what’s wanted is imo the most important and fundamental factor. That’s what everything else in the decision process relates to. 




Now you could go about this thinking, figuring out, solving a problem, etc, but that is also unnecessarily implied / added weight & pressure. Alternatively, allow thoughts to arise / appear, since that is already the case. Waiting for a thoughts to arise is communion / co-creating with Source we might say. Thinking, solving, figuring out are a facade which amounts to ‘going alone’. Not nearly as fun or enthusiastic as co-creating, and disregard emotion & the enjoyment factor by cutting out the co-creating aspect. 



Don’t reinvent the wheel…

Once what’s wanted is clear, consider if you’re the first to want and manifest whatever it is. If not, research how others have already. This can provide insights & connect dots, as well as prevent spending time, energy or money unnecessarily. This can also add support & more insights, as in many cases you can contact those people with questions. 



I would also use the dreamboard for writing down what you find in researching, as well as any thoughts / insights that arise, as well as any details, or ‘steps’. Now a plan of individual and smaller and smaller steps is formulating or materializing on the dreamboard. Again, it all being on the dreamboard could be thought of as not in your head, and visually it’s much clearer to see from a more all-inclusive vantage point, and seeing it all come together is naturally exciting, which begets eagerness & enthusiasm. Be sure to look at the board and notice - This is ‘it’ already unfolding. You’ve already started, it’s already underway, it’s not somewhere else or in a future, but here & now - This. You are creating now, already. 


With respect to what you want, in considering how to go about it, consider the pros & cons, advantages & disadvantages of different aspects or ways of going about it. 


As you consider these aspects, add details to the board that naturally arise like as thoughts & from research (googling) like costs, risks, possible obstacles, etc. Be sure to notice, again, as these details are filling in, you’re creating this. You are creating your reality.


Mindfully allow the filling in. Notice any discord or tension of perspectives of ‘taking credit’, and or inversely, ‘assigning fault’ (‘beating up on yourself’). If any such discordant perspectives arise, just look at the board and see that you are creating, and lean on affirmations… that you are creating, and that it will be, will unfold, is possible - by noticing that-it-is already the case. This is already that unfolding.


Step away / take breaks. ‘Nip it in the bud’ as far as any arising discordant perspectives. Don’t dwell on or entertain for long what doesn’t resonate. Doing so is energy zapping and diminishes the enjoyment of consciously creating. 


Don’t entertain a perspective of “big”. Anything which seems “big”, such as a house, changes careers, a million dollars, relocating, starting a family, etc…  is actually a series of small, and realistically enjoyable steps. Using the dreamboard makes this easy by visually seeing the overview and the steps, leaving the mind so to speak free to enjoy the co-creating experience or process. When enjoyment is overlooked, the point of life is overlooked. If & when this occurs, again, step away. Take a break.  See that discord which is allowed to fizzle out, indeed does and always does, fizzle out. ‘Nip it in the bud’ rather than experience discouragement and or overwhelment. This could also be said to be ‘staying with’ intuition, and not proceeding in spite of an aspect not resonating. Slow down and take the time such that the experience is enjoyable. 


Depending on what it is you’re talking about / what’s wanted… consider short term & long term, relative to time, money and energy. As the plan unfolds, include details and make comparisons in that respect. 


Again, depending on what it is you want… read books, watch videos, etc. (Also falls under research). Don’t be hesitant about asking people who’ve already created the same questions. Typically people love to talk about what they did and how they did it and what they learned. What they would have done differently & why can be an insightful question to ask. 


Even though the plan on the board is flexible and most likely details will be changed daily as you go - be excited about whats coming / where you’re headed. I strongly recommend placing the dreamboard such that it is highly visible right in front of you first thing in the morning wherever you sit or go when you first wake up. Just look at it and more or less allow yourself to see that yeah…. there’s some direction happening here, some conscious orientation, a plan unfolding, desired change happening. That general outlook of seeing where it’s headed makes it much easier to enjoy the little steps, especially when challenging. 


Be prepared for and willing to notice discordant limiting beliefs arising. Mindfully, don’t ‘cling’ (dwell, complain, vent, etc) - just acknowledge the discord. See the positive in the negative so to speak. When a thought, perspective or aspect seems ‘negative’, it is precisely then that you are receiving guidance for and to, exactly what you want. Remember / consider / entertain - The Creator of all, with which (so to speak) you are co-creating with - is unconditional - and you have direct access - to inspiration, insight, patience and enthusiasm - always, in any case, at any time, without any condition. 


Hopefully there’s a nugget or two here for ya, and thanks - I appreciate the inquiry / question. 🤍


Oh also, if you aren’t - use GPT. Ask it whatever, and be sure to ‘bust its balls’. If it gives overly long answers, tell it to repeat in ten words or less. If there’s something you aren’t grasping, tell it to explain it to you like you’re 5 yrs old, and it will. 

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thanks for the long and insightful post.


8 minutes ago, Phil said:

Even though the plan on the board is flexible and most likely details will be changed daily as you go - be excited about whats coming / where you’re headed. I strongly recommend placing the dreamboard such that it is highly visible right in front of you first thing in the morning wherever you sit or go when you first wake up. Just look at it and more or less allow yourself to see that yeah…. there’s some direction happening here, some conscious orientation, a plan unfolding, desired change happening. That general outlook of seeing where it’s headed makes it much easier to enjoy the little steps, especially when challenging. 



I don't want other people to see what I wrote on the board so I keep it on the ground when I wake up I put it beside me so no one can see it




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5 minutes ago, Omar Osama said:



thanks for the long and insightful post.



I don't want other people to see what I wrote on the board so I keep it on the ground when I wake up I put it beside me so no one can see it





That’s understandable. Let your heart & mind fill up with your dream. It doesn’t need to be seen by anyone anyways. 🙂

Such a situation, when appreciated, only allows more knowing of what’s wanted and more clarity around it, and therein, more feeling good looking forward to it / enjoying creating it / imagining it’s already the case. 


2 minutes ago, Omar Osama said:

I actually made the decision it's going well and better than expected I am glad I didn't go with the other one

Good for you man, that’s great to hear. 🍻 


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