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Feeling like drowning

Isagi Yoichi

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I think its bec in ability to apply knowledge I read about and reaching a block where there is no way out of my current situation and i feel like I don't have enough objective view on reality to see my situation or reality clearly and know what are the options i have instead of being stuck with what certain people want for you and illusions about how things actually work.


can i adopt a  trial and error method inorder to reach a clear view of reality?



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@Omar Osama

Sounds like overwhelment. Followed by frustration, irritation, impatience and pessimism. These are all influencing the thinking, and clarity is desired. It’s likely that people around you don’t acknowledge or express these emotions because they don’t recognize it as guidance. When it is recognized in that way the mind naturally begins to clear and the body naturally begins to relax. 


The outlook isn’t resonating with you. Without acknowledging how pessimism feels and that it is guidance for the thoughts, feeling is being averted from essentially - and the outlook(s) seem true, accurate, just. In acknowledging it as guidance pessimistic thoughts are accordingly acknowledged, and therein let go, and then there’s boredom. The distractions are likely aversion from experiencing / feeling the emotions. That’s perfectly fine, totally normal. It’s the monster in the closet scenario. What you actually want is to look in the closet / allow & feel fully, to see the closet’s actually empty. Analogous to clarity after the guidance is received.  


You don’t have an inability. You just don’t have references for what you’re experiencing. Also totally normal. Also, now you have some reference. You’re not supposed to or expected to already. You’re not lacking in objective view of reality, you’re thinking very big picture rather constantly and it’s taking a toll. Your’e experiencing overwhelment and things aren’t so clear. Letting go / actually taking focus off of what is discordant is a tough ‘lesson’ to grasp, precisely because emotions can cloud. It’s done and then seen, not seen or understood and then done. You’re actually very much a leader of your community in this way. You apparently just don’t see it that way yet, even though it’s accurate and resonates. 🙂


Overwhelment is related to taking too much on and taking it on all on alone. You gotta plug in every morning, you know that. You can research on the trials and errors of people who’ve pursued whatever you’re pursuing. You don’t have to go in blind in that sense. Hindsight is always clearer and calmer. The clearer view of reality is really what is, when the emotions and thoughts settle. 

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3 hours ago, Phil said:

you’re thinking very big picture rather constantly and it’s taking a toll.

I prefer to think big picture bec when you see the big picture false beliefs disappear.

you can't have beliefs with big picture isn't that the case?


3 hours ago, Phil said:

Sounds like overwhelment. Followed by frustration, irritation, impatience and pessimism.


That's what i suspected also you're very sharp and smart i appreciate your help 💟



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4 hours ago, Omar Osama said:

I prefer to think big picture bec when you see the big picture false beliefs disappear.

you can't have beliefs with big picture isn't that the case?

Not sure what you mean here. 

4 hours ago, Omar Osama said:


That's what i suspected also you're very sharp and smart i appreciate your help 💟


4 hours ago, Omar Osama said:

What do you mean?

Anyone around you investigating, introspecting, considering or recognizing emotion as guidance, etc? 

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22 minutes ago, Omar Osama said:


I figured. That’s what I mean. You’re leading. Good for you brother. It can be hard indeed, but it’s true what they say, ‘the view never changes from the back of the pack’. You’re a front runner. That’s pretty awesome imo. Allow some self-appreciation, notice that, love that you are, right!? 


22 minutes ago, Omar Osama said:

I mean when you see the big picture of a subject you cant develope false beliefs & illusions about it.

Thanks. Assumptions get dispelled, yes. 

But there is also direct experience, and direct experience with thoughts about more than direct experience. That can be met with overwhelment. Like, the ‘task’ at hand is this / now / just ‘this moment’… but thought can make it seem like ten thousand things are going on which actually aren’t. 

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