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A girl I knew when I was a child

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She was always here with me when I watched the snow, I felt her then. Quiet stillness, silent no-moment. Those moments felt like a girl. Maybe I played with her as a child. I remember? I remember her? Her laugh would light up the night with radiant fire, yes… I do not remember her face… She wore a  cornflower blue dress, white with pale patterns of flowers… I remember her. I remember her laugh. I remember her life. I see her dancing and laughing in the snow, all by herself, always together… shining like warm sun in the blue sky… I think I had a crush on her, I think she loved me. I loved her. We still love each other. She looks at me and giggles; we both remember the joke that was so funny behind our parents backs. She is always here. So curious about the world. She is so excited to see a rabbit in the snow! She stops me, quickly, and we both freeze. It is like we are looking at a secret.

Edited by j3w3lsth3l1zardw1zard
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