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Posts posted by Bluebell

  1. Oh my goodness, that used to be the biggest fantasy and desire of mine, to be transported to Hogwarts.


    What I love about the Harry Potter series is how wide of a net it casts for interest in those who read the books, and so people resonate and take interest in the series in many different ways. 


    I also like the thought that for witches and wizards, magic isn’t really magic at all but just their form of romanticized reality. There’s magic in the mundane, or theres mundane in the magic - it can be seen either way! 


    And although the books were so comforting to read, thinking back it wasn’t all that great for the characters. As inviting as Hogwarts may seem, the professors were very behind on the times and medieval. Professor Snape and the custodian with a cat (I forgot his name) were downright bullies. If I were a student at Hogwarts, I would have to make pretty good friends in order to not be an anxious mess, and I would  still hate potions class.


    Maybe write out a list of things that you wish for or find inspiring, that you could bring palpably into your own life? (without going overboard for unattainable things, so the ‘longing’ feeling doesn’t take over?)


    The Hogwarts legacy video game came out recently I think, and the graphics are really similar in what you see in the movies. It looks intriguing to be able to fully walk around and explore the castle. 


    I’m really drawn to the mood and aesthetics, and 10 years ago I decorated my bedroom to be Gryffindor themed. It had a handmade broomstick and paintings, wizard chess, painted glow in the dark stars on the ceiling. It brought a lot of joy at the time and made me feel like I was living in a castle. With some thrift store shopping and handmade crafts efforts, a room + time on hand might make it pretty do-able to decorate things as imagined and bring magic and the feeling of ‘belonging’ to your space



  2. 1 hour ago, Mandy said:


    I love the idea of Solstice and Equinox celebrations. For the Winter solstice this year we turned off all the lights and did a meal with just candlelight. I love any occasion that's an excuse to do something fun, but there's no pressure to do anything whatsoever. I love looking at Pinterest for ideas.



    I love the sound of that, it sounds hassle free and still holds the simple fun and enjoyment of it. 


    Maybe a summer solstice activity could be anything outdoors instead of indoors. Like swimming, watching the sunrise and sunset, or walking to the top of the mountain and eating a nice picnic meal.

  3. 1 hour ago, Blessed2 said:

    If there was a polar opposite of christmas celebration, what would it be?


    Ooh thats a fun question


    Like, a deeper meaning of the opposite of Christmas, or more of a just for fun question?


    What would you say?


    I’ll take a shot at a fun/silly answer


    The first thing that cane to my head was ‘Satan Day’ haha, instead of celebrating the birth of Christ. Soo…how about demon and angels day, where good and bad cliche’s are flipped where people in jail get a day off and get to stay at a luxury hotel and treated like royalty? I’m not sure what ‘angel’ citizens would do that day though.


    When I think of Christmas in opposite of vibes, but still in the holiday spirit, I think a mixture of Halloween and Easter. Instead of Santa, there’s Blackbeard the flying pirate through the skies with his magical manic flying bunnies. Instead of saying ‘ho ho ho’ he says ‘yar har har’.  It’s a mischievous holiday but still brings about glitter and color during the darkest of winter. His pixie faeries fly down from his bag and they hand out gold coins, some of which is chocolate, some of which bring mild hexes for the day 🧚🏻‍♂️ And then theres the occasional rare real gold coin. The real gold coin is magical and meant to be buried in the snow, and brings out bright yellow flowers  bursting through the next day, bringing a hint of summer.

    (but: thats a story, not so much a celebration)


  4. I really love the idea of coming up with my own holidays, parties, traditions, celebrations in a creative and fun way. I’ve done this in a couple of small ways in the past but have sort of lost the magic and interest in it as an adult. Plus the commercial aspect of it is tiresome, and I don’t always like following others traditions. Christmas was a really enjoyable time for me but it was nothing ‘magical’ in a Christmas-y way. 


    I love the changing of the seasons and want to start baking semi elaborate and decorative/themed meals on the first day of each new season. There’s something really appealing to me about that, and sharing food with others. I imagine what colors I’ll use to bake the food and dessert, what music I’ll play, how I’ll set the tables and candles and lights, how I’ll make tiny boxes with handmade party favours inside. 


    Besides that I’m outta ideas!


    Does anyone have their own individual or family traditions that you like to do, or would like to do? Or have any ideas of how to celebrate the changing seasons and nature? 

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