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Isagi Yoichi

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Everything posted by Isagi Yoichi

  1. idk I don't calculate it maybe 280 to 500 but it doesn't matter people like me can eat a lot without gaining any weight and I hate the gym. I like being skinny I don't want muscles or weight.
  2. https://www.actualityofbeing.com/creator-creating-creation-contemplation how to know if the answer arose from the source or if I am just imagining an answer?
  3. lol this is anoying for thin people i am skinny if some fat people spend a lot of time with me i will run lol
  4. why though it would be helpful if we are in the same country?
  5. I have a board but it's so small. should i use it or go digital better.
  6. @Someone here is there any video for more explanation & practical examples?
  7. I know. Did that work for you? What have you manifested?
  8. when I create my reality I imagine being there and feel the already having of it. so is this what I should do to create the reality I want? I shouldn't be concerned by how and when this reality manifests. so my job is only to imagine and tune myself into the desired reality right?
  9. @Phil why the psychological needs at the bottom?
  10. can someone go through their entire life ignoring the guidance? @Phil I want to thank you I feel better now is the emotional scale linear or non-linear?
  11. can you explain pls bec I want to recognize it when it comes later? why isn't needed, I don't actually know what exactly. might be I am jealous about money and being rich but I am not sure why is it hard to know or recognize that I am not deceiving myself I struggle with understanding this emotion?
  12. I don't know is this jealousy? I don't understand
  13. SELF REFERENTIAL THOUGHTS Someone said something shitty about me which is not true even though I know that I struggle to let go. the thoughts don't leave me alone I know this statement is an illusion and belief but whatever when I wake up the thoughts instantly are there idk wtf is this I have never experienced something like this before I don't want to share the content of thoughts here or to anyone
  14. idk the difference between them I think its emotions
  15. No not beliefs, Just the feelings and thoughts repetition. I didn't mean beliefs when I said it
  16. I can focus on what I want but the discord keeps coming back
  17. Lol Nah I hate yoga no way I am going to make this weird posture
  18. @almond What kind of yoga? I feel like if I did yoga it's only going to be worse
  19. How do I release stuck feelings I have read the emotional scale I feel slightly better but still it's there. I feel there is something wrong or something shitty is going to happen soon. I can't sleep bec of this I can sleep for a few seconds and then feel like this and wake up.
  20. You like my replies a lot I dont anything about anything
  21. I dont know what truth is lol The best definition i found: Truth is the true reflection of reality in the consciousness, the reflection of reality as it exists for itself, independently of the will and consciousness of people.
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