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Books for anyone who tired of 'healing'

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I understand deeply from my beloved friends who are tired of healing. They tried and experimented with lots of things. And some of my friends stay where they are now. Not improving their mental condition. I think there are lots of people on this planet facing the same situations.


I want to spill a book that helps me tremendously with the simple technique in it.


For me, the result is a permanent change in my psyche and my daily life experience. My life is more pleasurable every time I let go. 


It did not bullshit me at all, I practice the technique for a good 1 year, even not every day. Even if I just do some deep letting go (which might take some hours) several times, I am now a totally different person.


What I lose from practising the technique from the book:

1. My lack of a grounded mind.

2. My indecisive.

3. My fear of getting along with people.

4. My brain fog. - I get clarity in my thinking.

5. Goodbye trauma - this big one since my daily life now is in NORMAL mode. Not heavily leaned in survival mode.

6. My insecurity.

7. Emotional immaturity.

8. Intellectual pride.

9. People pleaser tendency.

10. Lost interest in drama, I connected to a more loving sphere.

11. The list goes on and on.


For anyone who believes they can heal themselves, I think this book work is a gift to all.


The book title: Letting Go - The Pathway to Surrender by David Hawkins.



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