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  1. Have you tried Mushrooms, or any substances that alter your state of mind?
  2. My two cents. If tomorrow you suddenly became a young baby in Janes body, would you label the Mind as "Mind"? You see, you wouldn't know, It was the mind simply because you haven't been doctrinated into labeling it with a simple word. As to labeling the "Mind" with a word. It's more complex. A researcher name Boas studied the Inuit Language he discovered the language had varies words to describe a simple word: "Snow" thus causing a stronger, better understanding of what "Snow" is. The same I would say goes for The Mind.
  3. Simply because we are in the age of easy access to a mass of Knowledge and some of that knowledge is misleading and sometime outright false and misleading.
  4. I'm curious to see how the mind of someone who has built a habit of deep meditation, would it have a similar effect as LSD? As meditation gets you deeper.
  5. But can't you achieve a similar effect from Psychadelics with Deep Meditation? You say Asking a lot of questions but to whom? Who do I ask these questions?
  6. @Phil Taking the Red Pill is a metaphor: Think of it like going into a dark room where the truth of everything from the Universe to Reality is shown to you. Essentially taking the Red Pill is seeking the truth and guidance towards exposing the truth.
  7. If you were in the Matrix Movie and decided to take the Red Pill, eager to discover the truth about our world, what are all the books and resources would you turn to for guidance to uncover it all?
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