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  1. So I’m dating this cute girl and after 3 dates she already asking if I want a long term relationship or just sex? I’m not sure and I don’t want to lie. So I told her “it is ok if you don’t want sex” after a rejected physical escalation from my part. I think she didn’t liked this. I think I screwed up this shit test. How can I know she is long term relationship material after couple of dates? :s Just give me a break.
  2. His book released today. I’m in 3 chapters and it is so good.
  3. So I should hold the emotions but not the beliefs. How is that even possible. I do try to not identify with inferiority beliefs but it is hard.
  4. I wouldn't pursue a women who doesn't appreciate me and return my affection to me. I don't want to be arrested. 🙂 Usually all women, including women I'm not interested in sexually. I do have 2 females friends who are an exception. And I love my grand mother. Those are the only exception to the rule. But usually there are some women that are interested in me but I'm not interested in them but I 'm still nice to them and answer their texts and treat them as an actual human being.
  5. I have good relationships with older women or girls that are too young for me. I do have a good relationship with my mother, female therapist and some female friends but they are the exception. Women my age seem to be flaky and very shallow what they want in a partner. Rarely they keep to their word. The relationship with my mother was traumatic. She physically, emotionally and mentally abused me for years and I got scared for years. And still I tried to have a good relationship with her. thank you
  6. It is my instinct. I'm a young guy and I want a gf: there is not much too it. It is nature calling. I'm ok looking I guess. I see women looking at me all the time so I'm kind of confused why they won't. Yesterday I asked one and she said I had low confidence. That is true. But there are different kind of love. Human love is reciprocal while saintly love it not. I'm not a saint and I'm not going to try one. In dating if you don't get the attention back you want, it is wise to stop putting attention in it. I'm not going to pursue an one sided love. Women don't appreciate that anyway.
  7. So I have tried to date a new girl and I constantly get rejected. And my energy, attention and love is not reciprocated. I don’t have this with guy friends. I came to a pivotal point to just take the black pill for now because I have some trauma issues with parents and with my mother especially. I think it started with her and it just drags on. I never had a good relationship with her. Trying to date while having such a powerful pain body attack is just not healthy. The thing is that I have been trying to solve these emotional issues for a while. I have therapist for years and nothing gets solved in this regard. In other regards I have been making progress but not in this regard. I’m kind of disappointed in the psycho therapeutic help.
  8. Hi guys I’m new here. On the website it says “actuality of being” book coming out soon. But it has been years and the book is not out yet.
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