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Posts posted by Floorcat

  1. Ok fair play. Robed Mystic started taking it literally so that confused me. Sorry to derail the thread, I’ll step out .

  2. 1 hour ago, Blessed2 said:

    read what this thread is about

    Can you please enlighten so we can put it to bed? Is the whole thread a hypothetical role play? Or did it start as a hypothetical role play then turn into genuine questioning by Phil?  This it what it seems like. Can anyone clarify?

  3. But if that's the case, why did Robed Mystic say to Phil:


    "It's sad that you have thrown around the terminology of no self your entire spiritual career . And now you want to understand what it is.   I've got news for you. This is ineffable.   Oh wait..but you already knew that?  Stop with the mental masturbation.  It doesn't suit you."


    Apologies to Phil & all involved if I'm being dense here, just confused.


  4. 9 hours ago, Phil said:


    Where will you go to catch yourself?

    In what direction will you head when you stand up?



     Ahh, yes, ‘myself’ is the wrong way to put it.  Then in your words,  notice the self-referential  thoughts.


    So my revised question is:

    “So could these not be the distilled course of action now? Do the practices, get ever deeper & more present and keep noticing self referential thoughts referring to an imaginary second self?”


  5. Apologies for the late reply.


    I feel unready to understand your questions here - I investigate yet it confounds me, being the me.


    I like your writing here:


    "The way to ‘break the loop’ is to notice self referential thoughts. Thoughts about a self which isn’t you. Thoughts about a ‘second self’, which is always in the past or future… and never actually, present. Thoughts which are noticed by how the thoughts feel to you."


    I'm a sticker for simplicity, I meditate in the simplest way etc. Can I not take these wonderfully simple instructions and apply on a daily basis?


    Also I see in an actualized thread, you write:


    "Simply put: Focus on perception & feeling, rather than thoughts. 

    Basic Relaxation. 

    Walking Meditation.

    Eating Meditation. 


    Mindfulness of sound.

    The emotional scale.

    Don’t resist boredom and ‘stay in’ pessimism"


    These are basically my own practices at the moment. I feel I need to raise my consciousness quite a bit before I can 'get' your line of questioning. It's not me copping out, I've really put effort in & I know you're saying truth as I hear the same from other teachers.


    But your statement above    ("The way to ‘break the loop’ is to notice self referential thoughts. Thoughts about a self which isn’t you. Thoughts about a ‘second self’, which is always in the past or future… and never actually, present. Thoughts which are noticed by how the thoughts feel to you.")    rings true for me and is more pallatable than the questions. This seems to be what youre asking me to do with your 'who is the looker'.


    So could these not be my distilled course of action now? Do the practices, get ever deeper & more present and keep catching myself referring to an imaginary second self & investigating that until something twigs?

  6. In what way? I felt that since ‘I’ can’t fathom this at the moment as there’s nothing to fathom, I just need to allow what’s there to be more apparent by getting thoughts out of the way. Sounds like this isn’t the right idea 🙂

    looks like it’s me trying to avoid the issue then. I’ll turn back to it - I just don’t know - is the sense  of knowing really just a thought? Yes on reflection I think it is. So what can be ‘other’ than the thoughts and feelings that occur. This is what I’m trying to get to but foils me every time. It’s like I’m trying to look for something that isn’t the thoughts or the feeling of me, but it’s elusive. Perhaps I shouldn’t even be looking for something ‘other’?


    I read supposedly awakened people say there’s some background awareness/consciousness that contains everything, some expansive unknowable something without form or quality, but when I try & glimpse it, all I’m glimpsing are my own thoughts of it, which I think must be a hint, but always just turns out to be false. 

    Your statement “Notice the ever so slight tension, of the believing of the thought self has attention - notice the notion or implication that there even is some thing called: “attention”. Some “experience” of a me and a thing or world upon which “my attention” is cast or is placed upon and withdrawn from. ” is very interesting. Yes there is a slight tension involved in looking - it looks like I’m splitting myself in two in an effort to see something, but only seeing more thoughts & images that I’m myself creating. What’s behind all this. You and others say what is thinking etc,  but I never find an answer or get an insight into  anything. 


  7. Yes, it’s clear now. Anything that I point to, refer to or describe is just thought, even ‘awareness’ or ‘presence’.  All speculation is pointless other than to point out it’s just thought


    So the only practical thing to be done is a lot of meditation, do-nothing sitting. No point speculating about it further, surely?

    (If that sounds rude I don’t mean it to be, very much appreciate your input).



  8. 4 hours ago, Phil said:

    What’s a “sensation of I”? 

    Sensation, or a thought about sensation?

    What’s “the feeling of me”, and  “conflicting feelings”?

    Feeling, or thoughts about feeling?


    Self Inquiry

    This isn what's always confused me: In your self inquiry instructions:


    4. Place your attention on the inner feeling of being "me."
    5. If a thought does arise, ask yourself to whom this thought is occurring, as this returns your attention to the feeling of being "me."

    This practice of turning awareness back upon itself, prior to the ‘I’..


    Doesn't that imply there's a feeling of 'me' that we're turning our attention to in the method?

    But it also says that we're turning our attention back to awareness which is prior to the I..

    So which is the 'me' in the technique?


    Perhaps the I/me IS just a thought about me rather than a defined entity, I'm going to have to go into that more. But I'm confused which me to rest my attention on with self inquiry.

    4 hours ago, Phil said:

    Is there ever awareness of what is not in direct experience?

    Isn’t there just, less thoughts?

    You're right - but why is there a feeling of dropping a psychological 'world', a big relief and clarity? Maybe that's just my unusual interpretation.

    4 hours ago, Phil said:

    There seems to be an agenda to fit imagination in. Doesn’t seem like it’s fitting. 

    Is there that past experience and this present experience?

    It seems like it - doesn't one start with a busy monkey mind and eventually the mind gets peaceful? /that's been my experience.

    4 hours ago, Phil said:

    Where is the thinker in direct experience?

    Apart from getting a vague feeling of a centre around the head area, there doesn't seem to be anything tangible there apart from the thoughts, which appear by themselves out of thin air - and also occur purposefully and deliberately , like when trying to solve a problem etc.

    4 hours ago, Phil said:

    That never becomes apparent, it’s the activity of thought, which settles meditatively. This is apparent. 

    That things are prior to thinking, is a thought. An assumption. 

    Got it.

    4 hours ago, Phil said:

    What’s apparent is already apparent, what’s illusory is already illusory, what’s real is already what’s real. 

    States of consciousness is the activity of thought, which settles meditatively. 

    Where is the thinker?

    Where is the knower?

    I can't pin one down, except a sense of knowing when there's no thoughts - is that sense of knowing it? It feels like me. Still coming from my head though. This relates to Ramana's and your instructions and frustrates me so much - what is this I that needs to be rested in? That state of 'knowing' without thought?


  9. 18 hours ago, Phil said:

    ‘I feel I have’. Is there one I which is feeling a second I which has some way to go?

    ‘I feel I know’. Is there one I which is feeling a second I which knows there’s stuff outside of direct experience?

    Is there ‘a knower’, which is felt, in direct experience? 

    Are any of these I’s in any way in direct experience? 

    Hmm. There's a apparent sensation of 'I', but it doesn't seem concrete in any way other than it feels separate, and often insecure and exposed. There doesn't seem to be an I watching this I other than the I youre talking about is apparent, I guess there's a pre-recognition that it exists, an unspoken awareness of all that's going on. But awareness of that doesn't make the feeling of me go away..

    18 hours ago, Phil said:


    Who is not living that way anymore?

    Who is surviving / living? 

    Where is that who in direct experience; in perception, in sensation? Where is that self? 

    It doesn't seem to have a fixed place. It's sometimes in my head & sometimes lower down. But it doesn't seem to have anything about it to pin down as a quality except the feeling of me and all the emotions & conflicing feelings that go along with it.


    18 hours ago, Phil said:

    Where is the idea ‘it’s all in my imagination’ coming from? Did it arise of investigating direct experience?

    Seems like there is a cumbersome unnecessary desire or need to ‘fit that into’ direct experience. 

    How does that fit in with direct experience, other than being (thoughts) beliefs?

    The quieter my mind gets, it seems that, in the moment there's less & less aware of the what's not in direct experience. But of course the me is still there at the centre of it all


    18 hours ago, Phil said:

    If you’re imagining X, simply stop imagining X, and see of there is any difference. If there isn’t, contemplate if there was a believing of thoughts, rather than an imagining. Also consider it’s entirely possible that what’s being imagined, is that there isn’t the believing of thoughts. That might be an experience of denial and self deception. Also, imagine Y, and see if Y is then present in direct experience, other than the imagining of. 


    If there’s a step further, who is taking steps, and in which direction further should or would said who go?

    I'm not sure I understand, I'll have a think and come back to this one.  All that's apparent is that when I started meditation there was much more confusion and a swirling of elements and after 6 months, most of this has gone & the moment is mostly filled with what's in my present experience. Bothe experiences are very different.

    18 hours ago, Phil said:

    Is there an outside world beyond direct experience which may or may not exist… or is there the direct experience of thoughts of an inside and outside, and of existence and nonexistence, and of a self which might or might not be right? 

    The second:

    There's the direct experience of thoughts of an inside and outside, and of existence and nonexistence, and of a self which might or might not be right? Does that mean anything I'm not even remotely thinking of doesn't in fact exist?


    18 hours ago, Phil said:

    Has it been open-mindedly considered that perhaps not-direct experience is infinite knowing - for which there are not things, and therein, no ‘things’ to known or which could be known?

    I get a faint idea of what you mean. Prior to the thinking things just are. I can be aware of that to some extent - but perhaps that becomes much more apparent after more meditation?

    18 hours ago, Phil said:

    Are there ‘things’ inside direct experience, or perhaps an experience of thoughts (that there are things)?

    Are ‘inside & outside’ experienced in perception or sensation?

    The body just feels like a vague mass of sensation that can be zoned in on according to body part - but still a field of sensation. There doesn't seem to be a hard line/barrier between this and the outside, except when I look down at my body I mentally create the barrier.

    18 hours ago, Phil said:

    It’s being said, considered really, that ‘it’s all in my imagination and has no reality to it’. 

    Is what reality is known, such that it can earnestly be said there is that which has no reality to it?

    If ‘it’s all in my imagination and has no reality to it’, you should rightfully in accordance be able to imagine ‘it’ has reality to it, and then it would. 

    Or, perhaps, imagination is again, for some reason, being attempted to be included somehow in direct experience…?

    The most clarifying question would imo be, what is that reason?

    Is it believed the truth is going to be realized by imagining?

    Whatever that would be, wouldn’t it be accurate to say, you’re just imaging that?


    What’s being said is there are two selves, one which is present, observable and in a state, and another one which is in a past, observable and in a state. Then there is a comparison being made between these two selves in states, and an arriving at a conclusion the present observable self is in a more awakened state, than the past observable self. So again I would question, are these selves actually observed, are these states, or any state actually observed. What is this state referred to that one or both of these selves is in.

    I don't think the first self that is present and in a state exists does it? Isn't there an unspoken awareness? So more and more meditation allows this to become more apparent?


    Apologies for the formatting, I messed it up a bit!

    18 hours ago, Phil said:


    18 hours ago, Phil said:


  10. I've been messaging Phil trying to dig into a few things & he thought it might be useful to post the messages as a thread. I still have some way to understanding but am hoping to get clearer on this. I'll lay the questions/answers out on this first post:



    Hi Phil, I’ve just finished setting up my life to do consciousness work & like to keep my practices simple. Do nothing meditation with self inquiry is my preferred path, with exercise & yoga. Your description of self enquiry here:   https://www.actualityofbeing.com/self-inquiry is the best I’ve seen and would suit my approach perfectly. When you say ‘Place your attention on the inner feeling of being "me”, I think I get that, there’s definitely that feeling around my chest/head area - a feeling of knowing that I am. Is that what you mean to rest my attention on and keep coming back to?



    Not the feeling of knowing… just feeling.

    It might be more clarifying to point out that ‘place your attention’ is a half step. The full step would be seeing through “attention”, and might sound like allow attention to sink into the source of “attention”.

    It might also be fruitful to explore sensation prior to the do nothing or self inquiry. This is essentially asking, ‘is there the presence of sensation in the bottoms of the feet?’

    Then it is noticed directly, that there is.

    Then inwardly explore, ‘is this presence of sensation present throughout the entire body?’

    Then it is noticed directly that it is.

    Then inwardly explore, attempting to find an ‘edge’ of sensation. Precisely where sensation begins and or ends.

    Then, take sensation off altogether, just like you would a pair of shoes or a jacket. Just set sensation aside. 



    Thanks Phil, very much appreciated 🙂

    Lastly, although I prefer your method, some people suggest that self enquiry is continual questioning of the what the self is and gradually eliminating what it is not. Is this a different method to yours?



    That would be contemplating or contemplation.

    In self inquiry every thought is let go / the ‘answer’ is not going to be of thoughts. 

    In do nothing, even letting a thought go would be a doing.

    Neti neti is a practice of labeling ‘not this’, ‘not that’. 



    Perfect, thanks Phil. I want to keep things simple - am I right that self enquiry & do-nothing meditation is all that’s needed? 



    Needed for what?  🙂



    For awakening, to go through the process that you’ve gone through.



    Is that known, or believed?



    Believed 🙂. My experience is that that Phil, this forum & anything outside my direct experience is imaginary. But I have a desire for more awakening and to pursue truth at a deeper level. This is all imaginary too of course, but putting that aside for a moment & allowing for second order practicality, I want to ‘fully’ awaken before I die, whatever that is. Of course I don’t even know what that is at present, I only can know that I’m in a much more awakened state than I used to be & there’s room for more awakening still.  Allowing for the understanding that that’s also a mental projection, but one I have to rely on to some degree to peruse more awakening. 



    That’s still believing it (whatever could be outside direct experience) is, but covering up the belief with the belief it’s imaginary.  The first belief is my experience is (known). ‘Imagining away’ thought attachment doesn’t resolve thought attachment. 

    Self inquire. Who has a desire? Desire is a thing you have? You’re a thing?

    The thing you are is in a state?  Like, Ohio? What’s a “mental projection”? 



    OK I feel I have some way to go. As I get quieter and more present, it certainly feels like now is all there is and that even though I *feel* I know there's stuff outside that experience, i.e the garden, local town etc. they are not pictured in my experience. It feels like I've was previously carrying a 'world' inside my head that has disappeard and I'm not living that way any more. From what you're saying, this is definitely not 'it' and I haven't seen the truth of it - am I right that there's a step further that means the outside world really *doesn't* exist in actual fact, i.e. 100% unreal? For example I feel like I can walk into town now if I wanted to and experience all the shops - but that's all fantasy and can never happen? So there really *is* no town? It's all in my imagination and has no reality to it at all?


    So this is where we're at with the conversation. Apologies if I personally only answer to Phil as I'm hoping to take it further with him..

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