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I am all alone.I can experience just my thoughts, sensations, perception, emotions.

I have no proof in my direct experience that other people are conscious.

I am only conscious of my bubble (one sphere,not two).All my awakenings are solipsistic in nature and I think non dually is about realising that there is only me.


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@Alexander ok if you are convinced of this ..why are you posting this ? To discuss it with "others " who are phantom  projections 📽 from your mind ? Doesn't that contradict the very claim that there is only you ?

But just my two cents 

My own opinion about solipsism is its true ...but I highly advice you to not think about it and to delete it from your mind because its like a virus to the entire software of your mind . At least thats my experience with it . You will become conspiratorial. You will believe that others are conspiring against you and other such paranoid shit .

I will wear Phil's hat and ask you : how does this perspective feel 

If it makes you depressed..then why not cutting it from your mind ?

BTW do you have a gf ?(if you don't mind answering).

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1 hour ago, Mandy said:

Is there a direct experience of my, mine, or of possession?


1 hour ago, Alexander said:

There is no but that doesn't discredit my direct experience.




I am the playful and ever-present Source, joyfully embracing every thought and emotion as part of my perfect, unfolding co-creative dream.

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12 hours ago, Alexander said:

There is no but that doesn't discredit my direct experience.

Solipsism makes me from fear and worry it's not depressive.

I couldn't agree more.


Perfectly one, all alone, one without a second. Just this.  


It's amazing and terrifying all at once. I have existed forever. Was never born and will never die. 



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21 hours ago, Alexander said:

I am all alone.I can experience just my thoughts, sensations, perception, emotions.

I have no proof in my direct experience that other people are conscious.

I am only conscious of my bubble (one sphere,not two).All my awakenings are solipsistic in nature and I think non dually is about realising that there is only me.


You have no proof that you are conscious too, how do you know you are conscious?

"Mediocrity is gone. Mind is clear of limitation. I seek no state of enlightenment. Neither do I remain where no enlightenment exists. Since I linger in neither condition, eyes cannot see me. If hundreds of birds strew my path with flowers, such praise would be meaningless."

A Comment on the 8th Ox Herding Picture

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On 10/20/2024 at 7:45 PM, Alexander said:

I am all alone.I can experience just my thoughts, sensations, perception, emotions.

I have no proof in my direct experience that other people are conscious.

I am only conscious of my bubble (one sphere,not two).All my awakenings are solipsistic in nature and I think non dually is about realising that there is only me.


Where are you in the body?

"It is impossible for a man to learn what he thinks he already knows."

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“Nonduality Leads To Solipsism”



On 10/20/2024 at 12:45 PM, Alexander said:

I am all alone.I can experience just my thoughts, sensations, perception, emotions.

I have no proof in my direct experience that other people are conscious.

I am only conscious of my bubble (one sphere,not two).All my awakenings are solipsistic in nature and I think non dually is about realising that there is only me.




Solipsism would just be an (obscuring) activity of thought, indicative of intense emotional suppression, indicative of unresolved, unreleased trauma, conditioning & misidentification therein.


The egocentric aspects are my thoughts, my sensations, my perception, my emotions… wether or not other people are conscious (only consciousness is conscious, and there is no second such as thoughts), my bubble, my awakenings (are thought activity / conceptual in nature, seemingly a multiplicity or division in time as on behalf of an ego or separate self), I think (as “the thinker”) - not two is about ___________ (‘some second’). 


Actual parrots have better epistemology. 

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4 hours ago, Phil said:

“Nonduality Leads To Solipsism”





Solipsism would just be an (obscuring) activity of thought, indicative of intense emotional suppression, indicative of unresolved, unreleased trauma, conditioning & misidentification therein.


The egocentric aspects are my thoughts, my sensations, my perception, my emotions… wether or not other people are conscious (only consciousness is conscious, and there is no second such as thoughts), my bubble, my awakenings (are thought activity / conceptual in nature, seemingly a multiplicity or division in time as on behalf of an ego or separate self), I think (as “the thinker”) - not two is about ___________ (‘some second’). 


Actual parrots have better epistemology. 

Alex is right.


That which appears to obscure; never obscures….


…thoughts are illusions and illusions cannot obscure what actually is.


Solipsism is just another word for one without a second.


The only thing that's real is a memory of something that actually happened, which has gone forever.


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27 minutes ago, Jane said:

Alex is right.

What’s ‘that’? Is there someone else, which is wrong? How’s right arrived at?


What other ism’s (theories, dogmas, activities of thought) are the truth? 


If “Alex” is the person that is conscious, (as claimed in the OP) - are you the person which isn’t conscious? Another conscious person?


Are you suggesting consciousness doesn’t need to obscure itself for there to seem to be experience? 

That consciousness isn’t infinite…?


Who or what are you then - which is not self-aware? 

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14 minutes ago, Phil said:

What’s ‘that’? Is there someone else, which is wrong? How’s right arrived at?


What other ism’s (theories, dogmas, activities of thought) are the truth? 


If “Alex” is the person that is conscious, (as claimed in the OP) - are you the person which isn’t conscious? Another conscious person?


Are you suggesting consciousness doesn’t need to obscure itself for there to seem to be experience? 

That consciousness isn’t infinite…?


Who or what are you then - which is not self-aware? 

You can’t know you are conscious.


To know you are conscious is consciousness pretending to be another. Otherness is a reflected image of the one imageless consciousness.

Solipsism is just another word for imageless Consciousness 


Oneness cannot be known as a concept without making oneness appear as two.  The knower and the known.


The knower and the known appear to be two, as  there is no knower without there something to be known.


There is no known without a knower. Both knower and known are inseparably One, appearing as an illusory two.


Thats a descriptive definition of Solipsism. 

If we are going to put Nonduality  into words, then Solipsism is the only way to do it.


Words appear to obscure and at the same time cannot obscure because words have zero reality.


That realisation is Solipsism.



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35 minutes ago, Jane said:

You can’t know you are conscious.

Does it seem as if that claim is being made?


Solipsism: A theory holding that the self can know nothing but its own modifications and that the self is the only existent thing

also  : extreme egocentrism



What’s ‘that’? Is there someone else, which is wrong? How’s right arrived at?


What other ism’s (theories, dogmas, activities of thought) are the truth? 


If “Alex” is the person that is conscious, (as claimed in the OP) - are you the person which isn’t conscious? Another conscious person?


Are you suggesting consciousness doesn’t need to obscure itself for there to seem to be experience? 

That consciousness isn’t infinite…?


Who or what are you then - which is not self-aware? 

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15 minutes ago, Jane said:

@Phil I’m just saying that the OP message is seen. I get it.


The OP is pointing to the solipsistic self. It doesn’t need to be questioned or doubted. It’s seen. It’s got. Without adding anything to it.



A theory holding that the self can know nothing but its own modifications and that the self is the only existent thing. Also: extreme egocentrism. 


Solipsistic self:

Solipsistic means relating to or characteristic of solipsism, which is the philosophical idea that only one's own mind is certain to exist. In other words, solipsism holds that it's impossible to know anything outside of one's own mind, and that the external world and other minds might not exist.


In everyday use, solipsistic means being overly concerned with one's own desires, needs, or interests, and not thinking about other people. For example, you might describe someone as solipsistic if they are only thinking of themselves, or if they are selfish or self-centered.


Synonyms of solipsistic include: egotistical, narcissistic, egocentric, self-absorbed, and self-obsessed.



No one’s suggesting there’s a “solipsistic self” that needs to be questioned, doubted or added to. 

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