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Groundhog Day dynamic in a long term

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How do you stay on track with your long term 'dreams', if you will?

The exact thing I'm trying to deal with is kind of tricky to describe but let me try. 


Let's say I have a goal X in mind. But that goal X is clearly far away, I do not yet have necessary experience, qualities. 

In order to get these, I'm being provided with opportunities allowing me to achieve them. But it doesn't necessarily appear as such at the first sight. Sometimes it even looks like it aims me towards a complete opposite direction than the goal X would assume, but not allowing it in my life creates complications of various kinds. On the other hand, allowing them, often requires a moderate level of time and energy commitment. 

Keeping in mind that the goal X is relatively huge (speaking from a personal perspective, it's not something like building a second SpaceX and going to another planet, as in collectively huge) how do you trust that what's the case at the present moment is worthy of my time and energy commitment as opposed to try and control these two myself doing something I'd believe to bring me closer to the original goal? Or maybe I'm wrong here in some respect?


Many thanks😊

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4 hours ago, Phil said:


Hi & welcome!


Groundhog Day is about present clarity and letting go of control, rather than achieving future objectives. The apparent conflict between goals and experiences comes from the illusion of trying to manage what’s actually & already naturally unfolding.

Thanks for the answer


What I meant was that I am trying to achieve the Groundhog Day in relation to my vision X. While that is the case, there are also other things popping up in between and that's what bothers me, i.e., they take up a lot of time, energy, effort, often money, but they don't (on the first glance or at all) bring me closer to my X. Am I getting in a way somehow?

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