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I just read somewhere that some South Korean companies are paying pretty huge bonuses, like $75k, to women who's getting pregnant, cause the birth rate is so low in Korea. There's even a movement happening there, apparently thousands of women going "fuck this, I won't be making new people" cause they're not happy with the state of life in their homeland.


Got me thinking how much power there could be in "pregnancy strikes". How quickly we could make some changes happen that way.


Imagine if enough women would go "we won't be making babies for the next 2 years if [x] doesn't change." Or "we won't be making babies until [x] happens."


Any thoughts?


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Interesting that their companies are responding that way, to encourage more native fertility, rather than ask the government for more immigration, which is what happens in the West.  What companies want, I would guess, is for more workers to keep up their productivity and profits.  I wonder what the women aren't happy about in their country.  A common reason in my country for couples delaying starting a family or having more children is financial, and the housing shortage.  Yet when I look globally there's a definite correlation between poverty and high fertility, with a few outliers of highly religious countries that buck the trend. 


What changes do you want to deal with in this way? 

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