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I don't see how


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There's this thing I don't want to happen, ever.


But that thing could happen. If a number of things went wrong at the same time, it could happen.


I wouldn't be dead if it happened, but it could be very, very embarassing. So that in worst case scenario, I'd never want to show my face again.


The same thought has been appearing over and over for years now, and it's a limiting and restricting belief/emotional trouble in my life. Very limiting.


Been trying to work on it, listen to the emotion fear and/or worry.


But I just don't see how I could be without this limiting belief. How I could not be afraid of it... Because what I fear could actually happen.


I'm tired of it restricting my life, but I just can't get rid of it. I don't know what to do. I'm experiencing the emotions powerlessness and despair.


Any advice?


I am the playful and ever-present Source, joyfully embracing every thought and emotion as part of my perfect, unfolding co-creative dream.

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6 minutes ago, Mandy said:

Like dreaming of an eagle might symbolize freedom, or clear sight, what does this symbolize, if this was a dream, what would it symbolize? 




Separation, vulnerability, judgement.


I am the playful and ever-present Source, joyfully embracing every thought and emotion as part of my perfect, unfolding co-creative dream.

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The guidance of powerlessness and despair illuminate the beliefs - that you are powerless and so life’s hopeless. 

The unmistakable discord felt reveals this is not true. 


But, “I don’t see how”. 

It’s felt. 


But, “I want to ‘see’ how this is the case”. 


What you’re imagining is - imagined.

It’s not reality. As in, it’s not experienced as in perception. It’s experienced as thoughts. 

This is the fundamental misunderstanding, or confusion. 


That which the fear is about - you can not point to, because it doesn’t exist. 


But, “It could exist in the future”. 


That which the fear is about - “the future” - you can not point to, because it doesn’t exist.



The guidance of powerlessness and despair naturally align the beliefs with the truth / your true nature - the present - which is not imagined and does exist. The present experience is of imagining, beliefs, discord, guidance, clarity & alignment.  


Presently, you’re perfectly fine, and are experiencing the discord of beliefs, and / as nondual love - self-inherent guidance. 


“Ok but that’s not enough, I need to know this is going to be ok in the future”. 


Then go there and check. 🙂

(That you can’t, is the clarity - that it’s a belief). 


“Getting rid of it” is like trying to get rid of the ringing phone. 

Answer it. Receive the message. Hang up the phone.

Acknowledge the emotion. Allow the emotion, the guidance, to be felt fully. Then release the belief / interpretation. 

Then it doesn’t ring anymore. 


Phone works for the “needer” / “knower” / “imaginer” as Well. 

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Suggested Methods. (Self-Love).


Meditation is like practicing letting thoughts go & being present. Then as discordant thoughts arise, rather than being convinced, diving in & attempting to fix, solve, change or control anything - the discordant thought is simply & swiftly let go because it’s discordant. 


As beliefs empty suppressed emotions are felt. The scale’s great for getting on board with this emptying and ‘arriving back at yourself’, which is really actually allowing the clarity that it was just a thought or belief. 


Creating a dreamboard is consciously creating. Meditation & the emotional scale shine, as what you write is manifesting, and letting discordant thoughts & beliefs go is the ‘getting out of your own way’, which is the allowing of what’s wanted to manifest. There’s no question as to what’s wanted as it’s right there on the board. There’s no question as to whether any thought, belief, interpretation or imagining is aligned or not with the allowing of the manifestation, because the self-inherent, infallible, irremovable guidance is felt and there is no exception to this.

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4 hours ago, Phil said:

“Getting rid of it” is like trying to get rid of the ringing phone. 

Answer it. Receive the message. Hang up the phone.

Acknowledge the emotion. Allow the emotion, the guidance, to be felt fully. Then release the belief / interpretation. 

Then it doesn’t ring anymore. 


But I've been trying to do that.


When some emotions have been appearing... I've said to them "I'm on the same page with you, I love you, I appreciate you, I create you."


I'm on the same page, as in the emotion is not an enemy, but a friend and wants the same as I do. I love and I appreciate the emotion as in the emotion is a messenger of a joyful truth & gently guides me to what I do want. I create the emotion as in I am creating the guidance as I am the creator.


"Felt fully". How? When? In the future?


"Just suffer through it" ?


Liie actually, what does "feeling fully" mean?


2 hours ago, Phil said:

Meditation is like practicing letting thoughts go & being present. Then as discordant thoughts arise, rather than being convinced, diving in & attempting to fix, solve, change or control anything - the discordant thought is simply & swiftly let go because it’s discordant. 


Meditation has been going on every day. It's pretty great. Been doing it even right after waking up. Especially great on the days when there's school. Started with 15 minutes, been thinking / attracting more minutes. 1 hour would be cool.


2 hours ago, Phil said:

As beliefs empty suppressed emotions are felt. The scale’s great for getting on board with this emptying and ‘arriving back at yourself’, which is really actually allowing the clarity that it was just a thought or belief. 


The scale has been utilized every day too. 


It's kind of helpful, I guess. Still not that sure about it. Kind of working it out I guess.


Saw a therapist a few weeks ago. On the wall there was a "wheel of emotions". Seemed very different from the scale. Like for example, there was 'disgust' mentioned. Is disgust an emotion?


2 hours ago, Phil said:

Creating a dreamboard is consciously creating. Meditation & the emotional scale shine, as what you write is manifesting, and letting discordant thoughts & beliefs go is the ‘getting out of your own way’, which is the allowing of what’s wanted to manifest. There’s no question as to what’s wanted as it’s right there on the board. There’s no question as to whether any thought, belief, interpretation or imagining is aligned or not with the allowing of the manifestation, because the self-inherent, infallible, irremovable guidance is felt and there is no exception to this.


The dreamboard, not so much per se. Have been using it when for example, cleaning up around the house. Writing all the chores and following the list.


Sometimes this feeling arises that it would be cool to write AALLLL the dreams to the board. But then, the pessimism. It's not going to happen. Won't work out this time either. Tension in the stomach. "Life just sucks. Boring. Nothing cool is going to happen."


Edited by Blessed2

I am the playful and ever-present Source, joyfully embracing every thought and emotion as part of my perfect, unfolding co-creative dream.

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1 hour ago, Blessed2 said:

But I've been trying to do that.


When some emotions have been appearing... I've said to them "I'm on the same page with you, I love you, I appreciate you, I create you."


I'm on the same page, as in the emotion is not an enemy, but a friend and wants the same as I do. I love and I appreciate the emotion as in the emotion is a messenger of a joyful truth & gently guides me to what I do want. I create the emotion as in I am creating the guidance as I am the creator.


"Felt fully". How? When? In the future?


"Just suffer through it" ?


Liie actually, what does "feeling fully" mean?

Feeling (and emotions therein) are obscured by (those) thoughts. Being present & aware that those are thoughts is ample.


What’s meant by ample:


It’s like we walk outside and I say, “feel the warmth of the sun fully”. Simply noticing & feeling the sun’s warmth is ample. 


But you start telling a story about how the sun & how it felt in a past, and how much you’ve been loving & appreciating the sun, how the sun is your friend and not an enemy, a messenger which guides you. About how you want to know how to fully feel the warmth of the sun first, and when to feel it. You want to know about if you should just suffer through the sun’s warmth in a future, if the sun’s warmth is felt in a future. You want to know what fully feeling the sun’s warmth is before you allow the sun’s warmth to be felt. 


We’re already outside though. “Fully” just means instead of the thoughts. 


1 hour ago, Blessed2 said:

1 hour would be cool

Yes. The momentum of thought fizzles out. 


1 hour ago, Blessed2 said:

Is disgust an emotion?

No, disgust is aversion, a conditioned response on behalf of the sep self of thoughts, obscuring underlying fear. 


1 hour ago, Blessed2 said:

The dreamboard, not so much per se.

If it’s not because that which you want is manifesting -  what’s even the point of allowing uncomfortable emotions to be felt and limiting beliefs to be aligned?

Why exactly are you doing any of this / asking about any of this?


1 hour ago, Blessed2 said:

Have been using it when for example, cleaning up around the house. Writing all the chores and following the list.

There out there talkin bout a Doersboard. 🤷 


1 hour ago, Blessed2 said:

Sometimes this feeling arises that it would be cool to write AALLLL the dreams to the board.

Listen to this feeling. 


1 hour ago, Blessed2 said:

But then, the pessimism.

The guidance of pessimism, 


1 hour ago, Blessed2 said:

It's not going to happen.

It’s not going to happen for someone in a futureas if “the future” is “this other reality which isn’t this reality”. 

It is going to happen presently, for no one, as “this” - the one & only reality. 


1 hour ago, Blessed2 said:

Won't work out this time either.

Go check the other time, the non-present. 


1 hour ago, Blessed2 said:

Tension in the stomach.

Yeah, the stomach’s presently-only, so some thoughts feel weird. The tensing is similar to the disgust in that’s reactionary and defensive. Like if someone was about to punch you in the stomach you’d likely tense it up first. But in this case the punch never comes / isn’t a factor. It might be believed to be, as in, this or that will happen - to me - in a future. 


1 hour ago, Blessed2 said:

"Life just sucks. Boring.

Self-conceptualizations are met with the self-guidance of boredom because self is perfectly content as is. 


1 hour ago, Blessed2 said:

Nothing cool is going to happen."

Nothing’s happening (already). It only seems like something’s happening, if in fact it does at all, ‘in’ thoughts. 

Not in perception, sensation or emotion (which are not things). 

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