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Non-Duality: Boring?


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Some time ago I was hiking in a national park and there were some pre-historic wall paintings.


They were really good and it felt really exciting to wonder, when, by whom, and why those paintings were made, and what the people were thinking and feeling while making them. And what their life would have looked like. Even if one of them could be a genetic ancestor of mine. Exciting stuff.


But then a thought: "But non-duality, but they say there isn't a past, they say there isn't people, etc etc."


And that's just boring. Excitement, wonder = gone.


Something similar happened today. A friend sent me a tweet which was about a separate self being on a 'healing journey'. What was in that tweet seemed subtly disocrdant and I said that I'm not so sure if there is really even such thing as 'healing journey' or anyone going through a healing journey.


My friend said "Okay, Mr. Nothing Exists" and said I was boring. 😂



If there is no past, no people, no genetics, why did it feel more aligned to wonder about that stuff than the boredom of "no past, no people, no genetics"?


I am the playful and ever-present Source, joyfully embracing every thought and emotion as part of my perfect, unfolding co-creative dream.

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It’s like how the surface of the ocean on a calm day could be said to be boring. ‘Some time ago’, ‘of mine’, ‘they say’, ‘my friend’, etc, are surface, thoughts, conceptualizations of Nonduality.  There could be a experinece of a presumption the depths of the ocean are as boring as the surface, but the boredom would be felt of the presumption, not the ocean below the surface. That the concepts are felt as boredom is actually evidentiary of this. Wonder & excitement feel aligned because nondual consciousness is marveling at its own expression, creation, appearance, being.


Negation, or, the un-obscuring of the lens, feels boring because it’s ‘held’ as a concept on behalf of a nonexistent separate self as something people, which there aren’t, say. Bored or boring is again evidentiary as it’s on behalf of an imaginary subject, believed to be separate of objects or an objective reality, seemingly creating a false sense of subjective experience. 


”If there is no past, no people, no genetics - why did it…”.

“It” didn’t. “It” doesn’t exist anymore than time or the subject which experiences it. This, right now, is truly unconditional & doesn’t exist as anything. A screen, a Phil, a forum, an internet, electricity, a world, a universe, reality, etc - these are apparent concepts direct experience wise. 


Right now, in reality so to speak, there is no “national park with pre-historic paintings”. Via your focus if you will, an arising thought could be focused upon, with an ensuing apparent experience of going to a national park with prehistoric paintings. There isn’t actually someone here, going there. The world-sphere has no actual context of ‘its own’. You’re creating the reality you’re experiencing on the fly, in ‘real time’ so to speak.


What’s next?


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Even ‘what’s next’, or what unfolds, in reality, is infinitely prior to any presumed limits of thought or concept. Since you are the entirety, the source of all that arises, what is in store is inherently aligned with the infinite nature of abundance and unconditional love. Trust in this unfolding surpasses any imagined outcome, as it is the natural expression of you, consciousness, being the whole of experience.

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Nonduality is the wonder of remembering oneself as creating it. Imagine if JRR Tolkien kept shouting to himself during the flow of inspired writing that Middle Earth isn't real. Remembering is spontaneous and is the wonder itself, reminding is not an effort your must impose upon it. 

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