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The Elephant In The Room


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Are people really full of shit?


Are we all really just bullshitting ourselves and others?


Is it all really just us avoiding fear?


Are we all really just self-serving and self-biased, to ourselves?


Do we all have an ego that is trying to gain, win, appear better than others, and hide it's intentions?


Is it really just bullshit human power games? Something about crocodiles or something?



Am I just bullshitting? Am I just avoiding fear of death & unknown and coming up with all sort of bullshit?


Am I even trying to appeal to the authority of this forum by writing this thread, trying to attain hidden, petty self-serving goals?


Am I trying to appear better than others?



Or are these thoughts that are appearing? A thought story about a me that has fear, has bias, has ego, has hidden petty self-serving intentions, is trying to appeal to authority, trying to appeal better than others to gain something for itself?


Does that thought-story feel discordant? What emotions are felt when that thought-story is believed?


And is that thought also assumed to be the case about other people too... Because it is assumed to be true about a me?



What if it isn't true? What if it's just a thought-story about a nonexistent entity "me"?


What if it just isn't true?



I am the playful and ever-present Source, joyfully embracing every thought and emotion as part of my perfect, unfolding co-creative dream.

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There’s no elephant in the room or hard problem of consciousness. These are dualistic concepts within the dream of separation.


Consciousness cannot be seen, it is the seeing.

Consciousness cannot be known, it is the knowing. 
Consciousness cannot be sensed, it is the sensing.


Consciousness, this unknowing known. One without a second. Pure Solipsism.

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23 minutes ago, Isagi Yoichi said:


This guy wtf , he created a imaginary character called him bashar bec thats a name popular or one of his grandparents names in his original arab country he is doing good job milking and manipulating new age woke hippy western society for money.

‘Hard problem of consciousness’.  ^


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58 minutes ago, Isagi Yoichi said:


This guy wtf , he created a imaginary character called him bashar bec thats a name popular or one of his grandparents names in his original arab country he is doing good job milking and manipulating new age woke hippy western society for money.

You made that all up and wrote it.  You're doing what you accuse him of, imagining characters. This Author stuff is really funny. The internet says Darryl was born in Canada, so there's another story we could tell, but really, who even knows? Maybe Bashar really means Bringing Good News?


If I have to prove myself as a good and smart person before I'm worthy of love, I'll never quite get there, so then everyone must prove themselves to me as a good and smart person before I accept their love or hear the resonance in their message, and they will never quite get there. In order to be fooled, I have to believe that I'm not worthy of love, so someone else has that missing piece and I can win it or pay for it, lose it again, or never find it to begin with. 


It's totally unbelievable. 

 Youtube Channel  

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3 hours ago, Mandy said:

If I have to prove myself as a good and smart person before I'm worthy of love, I'll never quite get there, so then everyone must prove themselves to me as a good and smart person before I accept their love or hear the resonance in their message, and they will never quite get there. In order to be fooled, I have to believe that I'm not worthy of love, so someone else has that missing piece and I can win it or pay for it, lose it again, or never find it to begin with. 



Everyone can say esoteric stuff that has been around for trillions of years, the point and what makes him the money is his acting I thought he was Lebanese but his parents are Egyptians LMFAO


He is creative in naming his imagined entity an Arabic name lol

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