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The Reality Of Boundaries

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Boundaries as traditionally delivered in terms of separate selves, can often feel off-putting. The idea of setting boundaries is typically presented as a way to protect oneself from others, reinforcing the notion of division and separation. But what if boundaries are understood differently - not as barriers between individuals, but as naturally occurring alignment within experience?


When boundaries are seen through the lens of the spheres - the lens-sphere and the world-sphere - they make perfect sense. Boundaries are no longer rigid mental walls of identity between separate selves but become the balance point between the lens through which reality is experienced and the world that appears around it.


The lens-sphere is where awareness resides, an empty space without form, through which the world-sphere is perceived and interacted with. The world-sphere is the manifestation of all that appears - people, places, events - everything that seems to exist outside.

Too much of the world upon the lens can cloud the clarity of seamless manifestation. Boundaries, then, are not about keeping others out; they’re about maintaining the clarity of the lens, ensuring that it remains open and unobstructed. This allows the flow of abundance and manifestation to happen naturally, without interference.


Seen in this light, boundaries are not only intuitive but deeply insightful & meaningful. They preserve the integrity of the lens-sphere, allowing the manifestations focused on to flow effortlessly into experience. It’s a simple, beautiful balance that aligns with the natural order of creator-creating-creation.


Whether recognized as subtle alignment between the lens & world-spheres or mind & body, boundaries are no longer seen as restrictive or limiting, but rather, are quite liberating & allowing. It’s allowing reality to be experienced clearly and fully, without distortion or undue & unnecessary imbalance. This perspective transforms boundaries from an aspect that feels off to a clearer seeing that is perfectly aligned with the way things naturally are.


In this way boundaries are not just natural; they’re a profoundly revealing aspect of being the spheres and the joy of being experience therein.



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