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3 minutes ago, Alexander said:

Which means I am only awareness in the universe.

This is the sneaky misunderstanding. 

"Mediocrity is gone. Mind is clear of limitation. I seek no state of enlightenment. Neither do I remain where no enlightenment exists. Since I linger in neither condition, eyes cannot see me. If hundreds of birds strew my path with flowers, such praise would be meaningless."

A Comment on the 8th Ox Herding Picture

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34 minutes ago, Alexander said:

It points to Being and that Being is what I am.Which means I am only awareness in Universe.Direct experience points to that.

There must be a person to whom experience solipsism. 

"It is impossible for a man to learn what he thinks he already knows."

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18 hours ago, Alexander said:

It points to Being and that Being is what I am.Which means I am only awareness in Universe.Direct experience points to that.

Yes, it points to it self  only. It’s a pointless pointing at a mirror.



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16 hours ago, Serenity said:

Solipsism is a concept. 

Based on the idea of a everything being a single ego.


Nonduality is actuality.


No concept, just being. 

This is the knowing knowledge that cannot be known.



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Nonduality, (not two)… isn’t a thing which leads to a thing, nor a thing which knows a thing, nor a thing which is in a thing.  


Solipsism is delusional and based on separation, arising from emotional suppression. It’s egocentric & inherently isolating. 


The reinforcing of delusion, egocentrism, separation & isolation sounds like this (just to give a few examples):


“Be straight like all normal people”.


” …only work brings results in life.”


“There was Jesus.”


”How to get rid of social anxiety?”


”Yes I believe in determinism too because it's scientifically based”


”There is only Being and that's one "sphere”

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Here’s a glimpse at how these beliefs are manifesting.


“Be straight like all normal people”

Isolation in spite of the preference for a relationship. 


“…only work brings results in life”.

Exhaustion and emptiness in spite of the preference for realizing abundance and passive income.


“There was Jesus”

Feeling spiritually disconnected in spite of the preference for self-realization; recognizing no history or anything at all existed before appearing as the spheres.


“How to get rid of social anxiety?”

Egocentric aversion to feeling, and isolation and self doubt in spite of the preference for confidence and social ease.


“Yes I believe in determinism too because it’s scientifically based”:

Feeling powerlessness and as if trapped in spite of the preference for consciously creating and shaping manifestation.


“There is only Being and that's one ‘sphere’”

Emotional detachment in spite of the preference for full engagement and presence. 

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Here’s a glimpse at how these beliefs psychosomatically manifest in terms of health & well-being. 


“Be straight like all normal people”.

Chronic anxiety, sexual dysfunction, and depression.


“…only work brings results in life”.

Chronic fatigue syndrome, high blood pressure, and insomnia.


“There was Jesus”.

Depression, panic attacks, acid reflux & heartburn. 


“How to get rid of social anxiety?”

 Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), social phobia (extreme anxiety in social situations), and tension headaches.


“I believe in determinism too because it’s scientifically based”.

 Chronic muscle tension, particularly in the neck and shoulders, frequent migraines, and digestive issues like ulcers.


“There is only Being and that's one ‘sphere’”.

Numbness or tingling in extremities, heart palpitations, and emotional numbness / dissociative disorders.

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And finally, here’s a glimpse at what these beliefs are based on.


“Be straight like all normal people”.

Present attachment with past experiences of societal or familial pressure to conform, such as being rejected or shamed for non-conformity.


“…only work brings results in life”.

Likewise, a past environment where hard work was the only thing rewarded, leading to the belief that productivity equals worth.


“There was Jesus”.

A past religious upbringing that focused on external spiritual figures, creating a disconnection from intimate spiritual experiences & self-realization.


“How to get rid of social anxiety?”

A past environment of rejection or embarrassment, leading to fear of judgment and avoidance of social situations.


“Yes I believe in determinism too because it’s scientifically based”.

Past experiences of feeling powerless or unable to control outcomes, leading to a deterministic worldview.


“There is only Being and that's one ‘sphere’”.

Past experiences of emotional detachment or trauma, leading to a protective disconnection from full emotional engagement.

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