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4 hours ago, Mandy said:

Quite stunning. The speed of which questions are being asked... and answered is stunning, but you wouldn't know if there didn't seem to be an enormous gap. Without, it's almost like it's not even happening at all. 


I don't get the context, can u explain 

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33 minutes ago, Mandy said:

I'd be really interested in hearing your thoughts in more depth about the whole situation. 


This society is so dogmatic almost all young children get raised up like a fucking God's chosen ones to defend the religion they're so fucking religious u can't imagine it the level of religious dogma here is crazy af I wish I could share my conversations on Reddit with those assholes but they're in Arabic 


One of my fucking family members and one of my old friends wanted to kill me bec I made fun of some religious shit they believe in so I understand what he is going through

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3 hours ago, Isagi Yoichi said:


Leave egypt

I have a family member that married an Egyptian guy. After coming to the US it seemed that he couldn't be happy here or in Egypt, kept going back and forth hating both countries, ranting about the people there or here online. Seemed what he really wanted was a better life, and his home. Who really knows though. 

 Youtube Channel  

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2 hours ago, Mandy said:

I have a family member that married an Egyptian guy. After coming to the US it seemed that he couldn't be happy here or in Egypt, kept going back and forth hating both countries, ranting about the people there or here online. Seemed what he really wanted was a better life, and his home. Who really knows though. 


He is just an ass, everything here is 10x harder I don't want to leave I like being in an Arab country but it's so shit 

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