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Time slows down


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I have noticed that time seems to slow down for me when I do activities of different kind during the day. If I only do 1 activity - clean the house, work, or study - it seems to run by super fast. If I do various things during the day, the day seems to have been longer.


Does anyone else experience this? 

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If point a, or "start" is one thought, point b or finish/here/now, is a second though, the third thought is the measure of time in between. So the more points a and b and c and d and so on, the more it seems there's time. 


Another visual way to see the idea of time and how there really is none. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Light_cone

 Youtube Channel  

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Time is a tool you can put on the wall
Or wear it on your wrist
The past is far behind us
The future doesn't exist 


Sunrise, sunset, night and day
The changing seasons, the smell of hay
Look at your hair grow, isn't it strange?
How time makes your appearance change


Now you can see the importance of time
It helps us make pizza, it keeps things in line
But when did it start?
And when will it stop?
Time is important and I am a clock

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3 hours ago, Phil said:

@Someone here

Very nice. I completely agree. 


So, what is motion or change? 

What’s with this experiential speeding up and slowing down? 

Difficult question.  I don't think motion or change are reducible to something more fundamental.  They just are what they are .

Interested to hear from you ..like I said ..you tell me lol.

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@Someone here

It was hard to answer in terms of an opinion because the approach was unbiased & purely scientific. It turns out there is an actuality underlying the conceptualizations of time / spacetime / change / motion. Not per se a reduction or something more fundamental, but the actuality of the appearing concepts and of apparent perception which clarifies the what, why, when & how of experience by & large, and of how time seems to speed up in ‘happy times’ and slow down in ‘unhappy times’, as well as exactly how change works. 


Communication wise it’s exactly the same as the hard ‘problem’ of consciousness. It’s not really a problem of or for consciousness at all. It’s an illusory problem from an illusory perspective. It’s the same with sharing the ultimate substrate / structure of reality with respect to time, change, motion, space, etc. There is no shortage of being aware of the entire process presently, or any withholding of the sharing whatsoever. It’s the illusory perspective which obscures which is ‘the problem’, but again, only from an illusory perspective. This is why communication about the actuality of the entirety of reality - heard from the illusory perspective, is sometimes therein believed to be and apparently said to be vague, mystical, ambiguous, reductive or even cryptic. The actuality of course doesn’t line up with an illusory perspective. That would be impossible. This is again do to being being unbiased. More so, not actually knowing what bias is or would be. 


I’m betting you yourself can appreciate the communicative challenge therein, as, if this was your forum you might have kicked me out for sharing the truth more than once. Maybe once just in this thread alone. As have multiple platforms which purport to be sharing the truth of nonduality / Being’s being. 

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Time is the most important thing indeed. 

So basically I'm an autistic INFJ BPD sigma Pisces female with anger and CPTSD issues. Wow wow. 

My plate looks full. I Couldn't have been weirder than that. Now I get why I'm so idiosyncratic. 

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