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What is insecurity?


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A sep self feels insecure because it feels separate from the whole.


It starts comparing what it perceives as fragmented part between each other. If one appears as better than the other as per a judgment it is deemed as superior while the other way leads to a impression of inferiority.




I am doing some shadow work on that one, do you mind blessing this thread with some more insights?  🤍

How do I love best now?

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If you held a rubber ball and I asked how it feels, you might say round, soft & a little squishy. 

If I asked how a separate self feels, you wouldn’t be able to answer because there is no experience of a sep self. 

A sep self doesn’t feel, nor is there an experience of feeling a sep self, because a sep self does not exist. 

A sep self is thoughts (about a sep self), not a sep self.


These thoughts obscure feeling, which is the actual self - the awareness, consciousness, presently & self-evidently aware & feeling.

Not a future higher different awareness / consciousness.

The thought that there is a future higher different awareness / consciousness, is the present experience of the sep self of thoughts. 

The “future higher different awareness / consciousness” is -for me. 

That “me” is a thought about a self in a future while neither that self nor a future exist. 

The thought would be experienced presently (if at all), as, a thought. 



Insecurity is an emotion - how the thoughts feel.

Insecurity is how the illusion of separation naturally & rightfully feels.

The illusion of separation is only thoughts about there being separation. 

“Fragmentation” reinforces the illusion of separation.

The illusion of separation, the sep self of thoughts - is what suffering is. 

Liberation  / awakening / eternal cessation of suffering - is the dispelling of the limiting obscuring thoughts / beliefs which are - the sep self.



Mindfulness, meditation and inspection. 


Mindfulness is being present / self-recognition of presence. Self (consciousness, awareness, feeling) is present-only. The sep self of thoughts is never present, same as a unicorn. 


Meditation is thoughts coming to rest, un-obscuring consciousness / awareness / feeling. 


Inspection is of self referential thoughts, and thoughts of comparisons between selves. There is no validity to these thoughts because there aren’t sep selves already.



Direct experience.


Consciousness is directly conscious of thoughts, and directly conscious of perception (seeing, hearing, etc). 

Perception is not thinkable.

Thought is not perceivable. 



The sep self of thoughts ‘will hijack’ & ‘re-contextualize’ everything being said here about de-contextualizing… to twist & distort what’s being said, to be about “itself”. 


It’s learning, it’s improving, it’s developing, it’s progressing, it’s understanding, it’s transcending, it’s awakening, etc, etc, etc - all thoughts about a sep self in time, while there is no separate self presently.


The sep self (of thoughts) is a molestation of perception & feeling, such as asserting there are other sep selves, which are also learning, improving, developing, progressing, understanding and transcending in time, while there is no assertion or sep self or selves. 


The sep self of thoughts is like an insatiable vampire that sucks all the naturally occurring joy & fun out of the present - which is the true nature, which is consciousness - by obscuring feeling, which is consciousness. The sep self (thoughts) doesn’t express gratitude, appreciation, nor apologize or forgive, as the pillars of the separate self are purpose, value, meaning & worth. These are rationalizations & justifications (more thoughts) which are the perpetuation of the sep self of thoughts, which is what suffering is. Just as the future higher consciousness is “for me”, meaning, purpose, value and worth are “for me”. This is ‘monkey mind’ or ‘busy mind’ or rumination. 


In reality, there is no meaning, purpose, value, worth or separation, as there is no actual self reference by which these could be. The “knower” that there are these is thoughts - the sep self of thoughts. 


There is no doer / there is no one doing shadow work. 

There is no ‘blesser’.   

That would be mind games. 


Cessation of suffering / awakening is like this “24/7”, (presently), because reality is already literally unconditional love without separation / separate selves. 




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