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How to let go of Expectations?

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Hope and positive expectation as emotions feel pretty awesome, it's when we get stuck on the beliefs about how things have to happen or what their outcome will be that we make it about what's conditional. "I have to be a successful lawyer or business owner" or "this one thing has to work out how I imagine in order for me to be happy" is a narrative of hope about a separate self that's insecure becoming secure in the future.

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On 7/14/2024 at 6:12 PM, Mandy said:

"I have to be a successful lawyer or business owner" or "this one thing has to work out how I imagine in order for me to be happy" is a narrative of hope about a separate self that's insecure becoming secure in the future.

I just want any shit to work, bec the way I am heading toward is fucking shit.


Life would have been much more freeing and delightful if it weren't for bs people and obligations I wish I were born alone in a street in which no one knew me and built up from there.

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@Isagi Yoichi The attitude is the lens through which you see it through. If your attitude is shit, it's gonna look like shit. I'm working today and I could describe the job in vastly different terms. Right now the tendency is to describe it as sweatshop labor because that's how I've been thinking about being in a tiny room next to a kiln running at 990 degrees F and working on a torch in extreme heat, and it feels like drudgery. As for what I make, this year it seems like never getting ahead to be charged a $1300 health insurance bill for the family  due every month and also pay for a $23,000 roof that does nothing to improve the value of my house, but just prevents issues later. 


It's my dream job, it's flexible, creative, fun, meditative and gives me the chance to relax and learn at the same time. It allows for nearly complete freedom of time. I'm so appreciative of it and how well it's supported everything I've wanted to do at the time for so long. It CAN pay for a major expense like a roof that I don't have to finance and that's pretty awesome. 


How I choose to describe it might depend on my own attitude or on what response I want to elicit. If you spend a lot of time around people who have well practiced patterns of pessimism and criticism, if you speak with appreciation, it's startling to them, like a loud noise when you're asleep. So to protect yourself, you do the same, you stay quiet, so everyone can stay asleep. In doing so you do them a disservice. Cynicism is always about self protection. There's always an infinitely different way to describe a situation. Write your own narrative and watch it morph into the job of your dreams. 




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14 hours ago, Isagi Yoichi said:

Life would have been much more freeing and delightful if it weren't for bs people and obligations I wish I were born alone in a street in which no one knew me and built up from there.

The truth is actually better. Life is fun and delightful. There aren’t people or obligations. You weren’t born. You are alone. There is no one that knows you, there is no one that you know.


There is also no one that knows there is a “we” such as in “how do we let go of expectations”. A belief such as that is on behalf of the separate self of thoughts, of ‘we’. The belief is as if on behalf of a thinker among thinkers, a doer among doers, and that just simple isn’t reality / is not in accordance with direct experience. It feels off (resistance, suffering, struggle, etc) because it is off. 


Even better, there is no future, so there is no actual future which there could be resistance, suffering, struggle, etc - about. It’s thoughts appearing. Thoughts which are obviously discordant with the nature of the truth, appearing as. 


Better yet - in truth, there is no separation. So there aren’t separate selves, which think, do, figure out, solve, suffer or struggle. There isn’t a “finite mind” or “finite minds” which “do” anything, such as conceive of ideas etc. There is only an appearance of an empty lens, as a means to experiencing the world you are being. As the lens is apparent, the lens is the appearance of that which is appearing as “everything else” - *so to speak*. In other words, the lens which thoughts appear in, is not actually separate from, “the stuff” of preferences, or, that which is wanted / “what you want” to unfold. 


In simple terms - there isn’t a universe which is separate and dumb, which needs to be ‘told’ twice in regard to preferences. Rather than believe there is a separate self among separate selves which has expectations and could let them go… simply be present & trust in yourself, as yourself.


Observe the appearance which is seemingly around you. You will not find an apparent experience of anyone who trusts in themself (Being). ‘You’ will only ‘find’, experience - the opposite of yourself. You, awareness, and more you, awareness, does not make for experience. That’d simply be you, awareness. You appear as what you aren’t, and now it seems like there is “other than you” - “experience”. 


The “snake” is a rope. 


Inspect. Look closely. Scrutinize direct experience. Dispel assumptions therein. Relax, allow, and receive. ♥️

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