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The counterintuitive nature of happiness

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I'm glad you're focused on happiness.  The intention to work on your happiness is a special intention.  And to not feel like it needs to be reduced to truth or love or something else.  We often feel a little guilty wanting happiness for its own sake as if it's not good enough to be an end in itself.  This causes a lot of people to miss even setting the intention to improve their happiness directly.  But it can be done.  I've been working on it now for a couple months.  There's a difference between chasing and sharing in working on something and it comes down to motivation or motive.  Chasing is coming from a desire to obtain something which is coming from a place of want or need or lack.  Sharing is like a bunch of very seasoned Jazz musicians playing together all sharing in the experience and giving the nod to each other when it comes to taking solos.  That is not really chasing, it's sharing a path of mastery together.  So, just because someone works on something doesn't mean they don't yet got it -- they might be coming from a place of abundance and enjoy doing it for its own sake.  But you'll feel a difference in their energy.  They're nice and supportive not mean and competitive about it.  They're getting happiness from doing it and they wouldn't want to lack that quality time doing it with competing with others unless that's in service of abundantly sharing.  The person competing and trying to dominate others  is not happy because they're chasing something to give themselves hope that attaining something will one day make them happy.  But that's happiness by comparison.  Happiness comes from within most optimally.  And people must figure out how to work on happiness so they can fix that in their life and be a beacon of sharing, kindness, and tolerance to others.  If you ain't happy nobody relating with you will be either.

Edited by Joseph Maynor

💬 🗯️🤍

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On 5/20/2023 at 5:14 PM, Someone here said:

I had a new insight that I felt sharing with the community.  Now I don't understand the whys and the how's behind it ..but it just hit me out of the blue .its something I've been noticing since I was a little kid .

Chasing material pleasure like sex and money and luxury items will not make you truly happy .the more you do it ..the more you feel empty inside and actually starting to slip into depression.  But the more you abandon those things and live a simple sober life ..the more happy and truly satisfied you become .

So I want you to throw away this whole paradigm of chasing stuff that you think will make you happy .and just simply back into being itself.  Focus on relaxation..  Sobriety and live a simple clean life devoid of all the luxurious stuff that is tempting you all the time . And that paradoxically will make you more happy and content with your life .

Just keeping it short and sweet . Let me know if you have any questions. 

Cheers 🍻 

first things first, words communicate ideas individuals think about and become collective ideas when shared as a community, political state of mind, collective intellectual soul within the ancestries minding the results directing manifested outcomes forward as genetics mutually separates ancestor occupying time now.


Happiness is enjoying the time one gets conceived to dead in this species of ever changing population currently alive. 

What makes people regret being born? Possibilities life isn't the time self contained to one's own skin.


What makes people think they are happier not knowing how evolving actually happens? Discovering their ancestry was misled for generations and nobody is allowed to do anything about it by society's mandates to comply with reality or else.  Really doesn't change between ideologies existing as all civilization works never accepting now is eternity.  Brief as I can explain it.


No very sweet and most will call it a bitter pill that exposes the combined mistakes ancestries combined made same historical mistakes in judgement of life in plain sight.


Oh I forgot, instincts are knowledge that reacts involuntarily, intellectual knowledge triggers emotions defined by mankind for specific directions of controlling each person's behavior cradle to grave honoring social consensus as geographically going on in plain sight.


that counter intuitive thing in your title.  Instincts navigate personal position being part of the whole, intellect directs predetermined responses to take over for involuntary responses to what the brain was trained to mind after birth to defend better tomorrows. The eternal catch 22, life doesn't evolve beyond living in the moment here as individual part of the whole.

Edited by solereproduction
add context to clarify life's specificity to evolving forward now.
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