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Enlightenment Genetics


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3 minutes ago, Joseph Maynor said:


Bullshit friend.  You have a belief similar to Leo Gura though.

Belief is like understanding. When all misunderstanding is dispelled or relinquished, there is no “understanding” which remains. Likewise, when all beliefs are inspected & dispelled, there is no Truth which remains. 


The belief that someone else believes is a belief which is directly experienced. 

Likewise, the belief that someone else understands some thing. 

Not two. 

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5 minutes ago, Phil said:

Belief is like understanding. When all misunderstanding is dispelled or relinquished, there is no “understanding” which remains. Likewise, when all beliefs are inspected & dispelled, there is no Truth which remains. 

But you have understanding.  You're no different than me.  Well you are different than me in the sense that you're trying to help me.  But maybe I'm trying to help you.  Who's right?  Is that even the right paradigm.  Maybe it's about collaboration of differences that's the higher teaching!  And if this forum isn't about that -- yeah you're right -- it's a poor fit for me.  I think you already said it's a poor for or me.  Well, then the downside of that is I'm not going to recommend it to anyone else which goes without saying.  It's going to be a chit above Leo's forum but that's it.  If that's what you want to do, that's that, but probably that's not going to include me.  So, I agree with you -- maybe it's best I leave this community now.

Edited by Joseph Maynor

💬 🗯️🤍

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12 minutes ago, Joseph Maynor said:

But you have understanding. 

That belief is directly experienced. The belief is that there is a second, a Phil, which has a second, an understading. 

Nonduality just points to not two. 


12 minutes ago, Joseph Maynor said:

You're no different than me. 

Now no one’s getting nothing. 👍🏼 


12 minutes ago, Joseph Maynor said:

Well you are different than me in the sense that you're trying to help me. 

No one’s trying to help anyone here. 


12 minutes ago, Joseph Maynor said:

But maybe I'm trying to help you. 

That’s also a belief (which is directly experienced). 


12 minutes ago, Joseph Maynor said:

Who's right? 

There is no one to be right. 


My understanding vs your understanding… my beliefs vs your beliefs… I’m right… no I’m right!…. Arguments… debates… WARS. 




12 minutes ago, Joseph Maynor said:

Is that even the right paradigm.  Maybe it's about collaboration of differences that's the higher teaching!

I’m all for sharing & collaborating. This “higher teaching” stuff is nonsense. Thoughts don’t matter. ‘Feeling’ is the boss. Deny, and suffer. Create wars. It’s fruitless. No one’s getting out of this love. 


Phil is not abstract btw. Phil is an abstraction. This is a belief apparently you & Leo share. 

And there’s nothing wrong with beliefs. 

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25 minutes ago, Aware Wolf said:

Human beings have a better chance of realising it than a cockroach. 

I really do not get the "being human is preferable to being an animal" in general. Even less so do I get the "being human is preferable to being an animal because of the possibility of enlightenment"... when enlightenment is the recognition that you're not human and not embodied. 

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7 minutes ago, Mandy said:

I really do not get the "being human is preferable to being an animal" in general. Even less so do I get the "being human is preferable to being an animal because of the possibility of enlightenment"... when enlightenment is the recognition that you're not human and not embodied. 


Okay. If as you say, enlightenment is the recognition that you're not human and not embodied....


-- which can recognize this better -- the human or the cockroach? 



“If trees could scream, would we be so cavalier about cutting them down? We might, if they screamed all the time, for no good reason.” ― The Buddha

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18 minutes ago, Mandy said:

@Aware Wolf That you think you're a human is the misunderstanding, the following projection is then that a cockroach is a cockroach and the sky is the sky. It's still entertaining flawed premises. 




Relative or provisional truth, yes, I'm human. I'm not a bear, though I envy Cocaine Bear. I'm not Leo -- he's a different bucket. 


Ultimately, no. Aham Brahmasmi. I am Brahman. 


How to realize this truth? What type of bucket (see the bucket analogy I posted) is more likely to realize it - the human bucket or the cockroach bucket? 




“If trees could scream, would we be so cavalier about cutting them down? We might, if they screamed all the time, for no good reason.” ― The Buddha

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50 minutes ago, Aware Wolf said:

What type of bucket (see the bucket analogy I posted) is more likely to realize it - the human bucket or the cockroach bucket? 

 Buckets don't realize. Yes, it's a hilarious joke that a bucket realizes that the buckets don't realize. The joke is the revelation. 


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3 hours ago, Aware Wolf said:

How do you know this? How can one recognize this? 


Knowing and recognizing both imply subject-object. 


3 hours ago, Aware Wolf said:

You're ignoring duality.


How can one ignore what is not there to begin with?


Non-duality is the only reality. There isn't some other thing to include, in nonduality.


3 hours ago, Aware Wolf said:

There's a list of requirements for the student to be able to learn and recognize the truth. 


Check this out:


2 hours ago, Aware Wolf said:

Human beings have a better chance of realising it than a cockroach. 


See what it feels like to spend a day or even a few minutes by imagining every single cockroach on this planet is enlightened.


Not to say they are, or aren't. Just see how it feels, and what sort of insights come up. I did that once and it was pretty awesome.


And actually do it! No need to agree with me on anything. I'm just suggesting to have fun with imagination and an open mind. 😁

I am the playful and ever-present Source, joyfully embracing every thought and emotion as part of my perfect, unfolding co-creative dream.

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I don’t think so. It does help to have a good family though - imagine mom and dad actually spending time with you, teaching you things, not putting you down - you’d generally be much more ahead in life and not have to start by rebuilding your foundation.


That being said, poor upbringing is also often a strong spring board to personal development work and enlightenment - the more diverse experiences you have, the faster your ego will develop, given that those experiences are not too extreme and they don’t damage you permanently.  

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28 minutes ago, DMT Elf said:

And they can survive a nuclear apocalypse.


58 minutes ago, Jonas Long said:

Cockroaches are genetically superior to humans in many ways.  They'll outlive humanity for sure. 

Interesting, so I guess in the future we might have a cockroaches civilization here. I wonder if they are going to think of us as we do or Dinosaurs. 

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